Chapter 1: Day Of Assignment

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟺

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟺.𝟸𝟺.𝟸𝟶𝟻𝟽
𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙹𝚎𝚓𝚞 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚏 𝙺𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚊


Ah, the smell of burning jet fuel and the roaring sounds of the engines is my coffee for the morning, it's the first thing that we all hear early in the morning around 0545 meaning it was time to wake up.

Howdy there, my name is Cadet Chang Y/N and I'm lucky enough to be a Junior at Skystrike Academy, many people don't get this opportunity that often as passing the Aviation Service Instrumental Exam, or ASIE for short is difficult.

Looking at the calendar, today is the anniversary of the ending of World War III and the establishment of new peaceful world order that disbands all military forces and converts them into planetary self-defense forces.

Speaking of the devil, both of my parents were involved in it and neither made it back home leaving my 16 year old self alone with my grandparents.

My life was overall pretty rough as I'd been bullied often and got into many street fights to prove myself that I'm not some sort of pipsqueak to push around.

That was until I aced the ASIE and got accepted into Skystrike Academy and from there, become a professional fighter pilot player, the academy can put you in any team you desire as the principal works closely with popular teams like Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, Black Eagles, the Tomcats, and so much more.

God, there were many options for me out there if I manage to graduate, anyway, I jump right into my morning routine, brushing my teeth, showering, changing into my Academy Flight Suit, and finally eating breakfast at the cafe on campus.

Starting each day, we have one of the flight instructors give us a morning briefing on the weather, news of any changes made to the Academy's policies, training instructions, and the lessons will be going over.

For today's lesson, will be going over basic dog fighting maneuvers to refresh us as it's the first day of coming back from summer vacation.

After the flight instructor had dismissed my training squadron, he stopped me as he wanted to inform me about something.

"Cadet Chang, I want to inform you that you'll be having a personal nurse with you." He informed me and I was surprised to hear this.

"W-What, sir? I'm perfectly healthy as it is, I don't see how a nurse would be necessary." I replied to him and he sighed.

"Listen up, Cadet, having the nurse assigned to you wasn't my decision so you're just going to have either go with it or talk to the principal to figure out the matter. That's all. Dismissed." He explained to me and I nodded before leaving the briefing room.

What the hell...? A personal nurse? Am I bloody 80 years old or something?

I'm perfectly fine thank you very much and I can take care of myself since I've done so for my entire life.

Seeing that I should talk to the principal about the bizarre situation, heading to the main office in the Admin building close to the ATC tower, I stepped inside and checked in with the receptionists.

She told me that the principal had been expecting me the whole time and knew I'd arrive making me sigh in agony.

Hesitantly making my way to his office, I knocked on his door a few times before waiting for an answer.

"Come in!" I hear him calling out.

"Oh, boy..." I said to myself before opening the door and entering his office.

Greeting me there was the principal himself Yang Hyunsuk and an unfamiliar woman wearing a casual-former suit and black high heels.

Holy Heavens, it feels like God had sculpted the perfect woman in this office, her body shape was perfect and it tells me that she takes care of her health, with long blonde hair, and a face like a chipmunk

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Holy Heavens, it feels like God had sculpted the perfect woman in this office, her body shape was perfect and it tells me that she takes care of her health, with long blonde hair, and a face like a chipmunk.

Wait a minute... Get a hold of yourself Y/N, you're a fighter pilot player, not some guy who ogles over girls! Good grief, it's probably because I haven't seen a woman in my life for a long time since my mother shipped out.

I had a few crushes but they're nothing compared to her, whatever, I still have to keep my composure and prove to the Principal and who I assume is my personal nurse that I can take care of myself and I'm healthy enough to fly the birds in the airfield.

"Hello, Cadet Y/N, please have a seat!" He instructed me and I sit next to the lady.

"Now that we're all here, let's get on to business. Cadet, this is Flight Nurse Roseanne Park or Park Chaeyoung if you like. She'll be your personal nurse from now on." He introduced her to me and I nodded.

"Understood sir, but with all due respect, I don't see it as necessary to have a nurse by my side," I explained to him and he chuckled.

"Look, my boy, I understand how you feel but I'm not giving you a choice. You either resign from your cadet pilot position or you comply." He replied to me and I deeply sighed once more.

Chaeyoung gave me a small grin as I made my decision to comply with his orders, she's a devil of a woman, I can give her that as my first impression of her.

"Great, today will be different because you'll be partaking in a performance test. We want to see what your true capabilities are during rounds of dog fighting. The test will start in Hangar 3, good luck." He explained to me and we nodded before leaving the office.

As we exit the principal's office, suddenly, I'd been pinned to the wall by Chaeyoung and her smirk sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm happy I get to be your nurse, baby~. I promise you'll never regret agreeing for me to be your nurse~." She whispered to me before laying a peck on my cheek.

Letting me go, I mentally sighed in relief but I somehow had managed to keep myself calm and shake off the butterflies in my stomach. I can tell Chaeyoung didn't look satisfied as I just shrugged her move off like nothing.

We walked together to Hangar 3 as instructed but, of course, Chaeyoung had tried initiating conversations with me but I only replied with short answers making her sulk.

What on Earth did I get myself into...?


To Be Continued...

Author: Here yall go, the first chapter of the book so far! I hope you guys liked it and if you did please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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