Chapter 1 :A MOTHER'S LOSS

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The loud wails of the queen echoed through the walls of the palace. ''No, no, this can't be'' she cried as she searched the royal chambers, she stripped off all the curtains, tossed over all the baskets of clothing as the royal maids chased after her. Just then she was informed that the king had arrived from his journey to the Eastern region, she ran out of the chambers and as soon the king got out of the carriage she ran to his feet and wept. He knelt down before her and asked her ''what's the matter my Queen? why do you soil my shoes with you tears?'' she looked up at with him tears streaming down her face and replied ''for all is lost my king! The prince is gone! She screamed.

The king was filled with complete shock and despair. He turned to the palace guards and maids'' is this true? Don't tell me this is true. They all nervously shifted in their positions not knowing what to tell the king and he got mad at their silence. 'How could this happen!'' they all remained silent, are you all deaf answer me!'' I see you do not fear your life's, if you did you wouldn't have let this happen, my only son is gone! ''.

Enraged He looked at the queen and saw that she was in complete agony and ordered the royal maids to take the queen back to the chambers where he consoled her. Vladimir who lead the royal guards was called upon to take on the search for the prince. The knights and Vladimir took off to search the kingdom for the missing baby. Every household that bore a new borne was searched as each child was checked for the royal seal on the back of their heads. The streets swarm with royal knights, every church, every market and even every bar was searched until finally the knights returned to the palace at dawn.

As soon as she heard of their return the queen rushed out of the palace but as she set her eyes on them none of them could face her they all had an uneasy look on their faces ''where is my child?'' she asked but none of them answered ''you were told not to return until you brought him back to me'', they all remained silent until one stepped forward and said ''your majesty, this is all we've found of the prince as he handed her the prince's woolen blanket with nothing but a blood stain and teeth marks ''it was found in the woods surrounding the palace we're sorry'', .No! this can't be you're lying! , where is my baby!'',

''Your majesty the remains of the prince were too disfigured for us to bring back this is all-" suddenly the Queen fainted out of despair and the maids rushed to her aid. The body was never found and It was concluded that prince was dead, it was indeed a dark time in the kingdom of Wallington.

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