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His dreams where always so vivid, Datura was back at the tower but this time as a child rain drops creeping in through the crack in the window lightning flickering through his room father's worried face looking down at him, he was soaked by the rain his beard dripping water onto his blanket. He remembers this day the day he almost died, father had left him for weeks alone without his medication when he returned he was too late at this time he hadn't met henry yet either.
On this night his body gave up counting each breathe until the last he was willing to let go of the loneliness of the misery and free Vladimir of his burden he remembers losing sight his veins running cold and then silence he couldn't hear the rain ,the thunder or father shouting his name anymore all he could see was endless greenfield but he wasn't there alone there was someone pulling him through those fields they ran until their legs gave out and laughter filled his head but then they disappeared He was alone again.

when he woke up Sage was hovering over him rubbing a cloth over his forehead
''Thank God you're awake, ''she said and hugged him placing her head on his chest.' 'I thought I lost you.
lost him?, what was she talking about?

She ran out to tell the others the news.
He had the worst headache his limbs felt stiff as he brought himself to sit up the. he shielded his eyes from the morning rays that peaked in through the hole in the tent
Where was everyone?

''Well if it isn't sleeping beauty '', henry walked in with a bowl of water and handed it to him
''what happened to me hen?

''You can't remember?
He shakes his head
''mmmmh how do I but this, 'henry crossed his arms a playful grin on his face.'' You kind of blacked out during your whole swimming date with lady dahlia last night if you ask me that's a major turn off''.

Datura smacked his forehead which he regrets because it worsened his headache ''it wasn't a date and why are you calling her that?''

''what? Is Alex the only one that gets to call her that it kind of has a nice ring to it, plus you don't think I saw you two on the first knight? he smirked I'm your best friend how could you hide this from me, Sage I get, she would lose it. but me?''

Was he really his best friend? after all these years he still feels like he doesn't really know henry all these sides of him he's been hiding''.

''You and I both know I'm not the one that's been hiding things when did you even learn how to fight like that? He remembers the blood thirsty look in henry's eyes as he fought off those knights stabbing them with arrows effortlessly.
Henry ran his hands through his scruffy ginger hair ''Everything will make sense with time
'' I don't know if you haven't realized in basically living on borrowed time and also how am I alive? If he passed out last night that should have been the end right?

''Lucky for you I had an emergency bottle I stole from Vladimir a few months back but it was all I had we might have to check off finding a cure on our list next. He already gave up on this hole cure thing a long time ago. But he couldn't bear to see Henry disappointed
''Sure' 'he replied.

They went out to meet the others Sage was yelling at Dahlia about something while Alex watched bluntly as he feed the horses last night's leftover. He locked eyes with Dahlia and the events of last knight played in his head the way she looked at him kind of like the way she was looking at him now she understood all of him though he barely knew her.

Sage noticed him and walked up to him pulling him away from henry '' Promise me you won't do that again, she whispered into his ears. he knows he can't promise that
''I Promise'', She's hard to say no to.

''Here, she hands him an apple, I know you haven't eaten it's not much but.
''thank you, he cuts her off. ''Relax he smiled playfully, I'm okay Sage I should be the one worried. ''I'm wasn't the one that was hunted down by a bunch of arrow shooting mercenaries ''how's your knee?
''Thanks to miss chaos over there its fully healed he looked over at Dahlia and she avoided his gaze as usual. that was cold.

Datura Where stories live. Discover now