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They managed to get as far away as possible. Datura slowly jumped of his horse with Sage ,she winced once he placed her down on to the ground.
The moon was the only source of light that they had as the darkness surrounded them, the others were nearby; he could tell by their breathing everyone was exhausted.
There was something about theses woods he didn't recognize them the silence was deathening with nothing but the wheeze of the wind carrying the trees. Wherever they were it was far away from Lockwood and most definitely far away from the tower.

''Is everyone okay'', asked Alex securing the horses on to nearby trees.

''No thanks to you, replied henry, where were you!''

''Henry stop, says Datura this isn't the time'', Henry didn't say a word he shoots Alex a scolding look as he marched over to Sage to see if she was okay, examining her knee.

He Couldn't help but wonder where Vladimir went wouldn't he have wanted to look for him when he found out Dahlia was there but he just left. Vladimir never showed that he cared much for him as a child and now that he was gone why would he care now he wondered why he cared himself, to keep his mind off he decided to make himself useful but before he could stand up he felt a hand pulling him back .Sage 's innocent green eyes looking up at him ''don't go''.

'' I'm just going to look for some sticks for a fire she, looked like a child her eyes begging him to stay with her he squeezed her hand assuring her he'd be back.

He managed to pick up some rocks and began to spark up a fire throwing twigs into the burning wood. Abruptly he felt his hands going numb he looked down at them they were shaking his head throbbed giving way to fuzzy vision.
He had been away from the tower for nearly two days without taking his medicine and his body was starting to feel it, he knows that his is just the beginning it will only be a matter of time before it gets worse, before the end.

Dahlia on the other hand was slumped over a log she couldn't feel her body the events of the night rushed through her head; being chased by the knights, getting hit in the shoulder Andertons disgusting face, his chopped off cfingers laying on the floor ,what he said about her parents her family it couldn't be true she imagined their burning bodies screaming for help. She quickly sat up with a gasp.
Alex's face lite by the fire looked at her worried ''are you okay?''

''yah I just -I'm just really tired she rubbed her forehead.

''Your shoulder, 'he said pointing toward the blood stained hole on the shirt she borrowed from henry. She could barely feel it anymore, maybe it's because her entire body was in pain and she's always had a high pain tolerance.

'' I'm Fine, lucky is not my shirt,'' she laughed. Alex still looked guilty
''I'm sorry lady dahlia I should have been there....''Alex its fine I'm ok okay '', she flinched as she stood to her feet, her head spinning. ''See, I'm fine ''. He simply gave her a weary smile and carried on with the horses.

She looked over at Sage her leg was still bleeding Henry looked like he was about to throw up at the sight of it. Dahlia limped her way over to them and knelt down by her
''Sage, Sage ",she says .
Sage groaned tiredly
''hey look at me ".Sage looked at her she was just as tired as dahlia was, dried tears stained over her muddy cheeks, her eyes too pale
''she's lost a lot of blood ''Dahlia says and proceeds to examine her leg .
The blood left a trail leading up to the back of her knee Sage whimpered as Dahlia lifted up her dress, ''luckily the arrow didn't hit her knee cap she'll still be able to walk '',
Henry nodded attentively at the information. Dahlia reached into her pocket and grabbed the last of the acacia seeds'' this will help it clot faster '', she sprinkled them over the blood oozing wound and it let out a sizzling sound as it closed up. At this point Sage had fainted. Dahlia tore off one of her sleeves and wrapped it around Sage's knee.

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