Chapter Nine // The Lannister

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It was around mind day when Aerys went outside of the tent for a walk. His mother offered to go with him but he wanted to clear his head. Thoughts were swimming round that shouldn't be there.

As he was walking he saw this older brother and his little siblings playing with each other. Daemion was talking to Harwin. Harwin had saw him and gave him a wave. He gave a small wave and a smile in return.

He liked Harwin. He was nice and like a teddy dear. Great to cuddle with and listen to his stories. He also knew that Aerys didn't like to talk and he respected that. Aerys's eyes caught a new figure. A man build the same as Harwin he had black hair and golden eyes. His face was the same as Harwins. Aerys concluded that this must be Harwins son Rowin.

Aerys couldn't stop staring at him. He was beautiful. Aerys's heart fluttered in a way he knew it shouldn't. His trousers grew tight as his cock hardened. He knew it was wrong. Liking men was wrong but why did it feel so right and natural then.

Rowin must have felt him staring because he looked up and Aerys swore that when there eyes met nothing in the world mattered in that moment other than those golden eyes.

Rowin gave him a smile that made his insides burst with butterfly's. Aerys didn't know how long he started but he was brought out of his trance by his youngest brother Aelor running over to him and making grabby hands at him.

Aerys flushed red and picked up his brother. Walking over to his siblings. He did a quick Count to make sure they were all there. Once he was satisfied that all his siblings were here he walked over to Daeron. He stood very close to him.

He was a little frazzled at his thoughts towards Rowin. He didn't know what to think and it made him uncomfortable and anxious. Daeron noticed this and put a hand on Aerys's shoulder.

"Are you ok little brother" Daeron asked Aerys who nodded and just turned closer to Daeron. Daeron knew he wasn't ok but Aerys was a stubborn as they come so he just rubbed Aerys's back. Hopeing to calm him down. Aerys started to play with Daerons long hair. It was his way of distracting himself from bad thoughts.

Daemion noticed his brothers actions and quickly walked over. "Who did this to him" Daemion knew Aerys wouldn't want to talk so he addressed Daeron. "I'm not sure. He was just staring over here for a while and then Aelor ran over to him. He came over and just pushed his face into my chest" Daeron told him.

Daemion looked around them. Trying to figure out what might have set Aerys off. Then his eyes landed on Rowin. He knew then. It was Rowin. Despite Aerys never telling anyone they all knew he liked men. They also knew it was hard for him.

Daemion nudged Daeron slightly. Not enough to disturb Aerys. Once Daeron looked back to his brother to see what he wanted and Daemion nodded in Rowins direction daeron knew what Daemion was trying to tell him. He just nodded and continued to comfort Aerys.

"Come play with us Big brother" Aerion squealed as she ran over to Daemion. He just let out a little laugh before giving a nod to Daeron and walking off towards his little siblings.

"Shall we go see mother" Daeron suggested to Aerys who only gave a small nod in answer taking Daerons hand and walking towards there tent.

Daenys watched as her two oldest brothers walked back towards there tent. She knew that Aerys was like there mother. He needed a little extra comfort and care. Her attention quickly went back to her little sister and brother who were running around trying to not get Caught by Daemion and Rowin.

Daenys just stood to the side watching them. A small smile on her face. She noticed a man walking over to her. He was blonde and had the crest of a lion on his tunic. A Lannister. She was going to walk away not wanting to talk to the man but it was to late. He had already started to talk.

"Hello Princess having fun" The arrogant man asked. She didn't want to talk but for the sake of being polite she must. "Yes." Daenys spoke quickly and sharply. Hopeing he would take the hint and go away. He didn't.

"Was you're second name day quite as extravagant as this" The Lannister asked. "I don't remember I was two" Daenys said not very politely. Still the man stayed.

"You know if we were to marry and have children I would make sure our children had the most extravagant name days known to man" Daenys was shocked. Did this man just say what she thought he did. She would never marry someone so lowly as a Lannister. Not a drop of Targaryen blood in him.

She just scoffed. The Lannister didn't like that he took a step forward and graded her wrist. "I would consider my offer little girl. I'm a powerful man and you never know who could hurt you" His hand tightened on her wrist likely leaving a bruise.

"Did you just threaten me" Daenys spoke with Authority and confidence. She wouldn't let this man talk to her like that. "My brothers will have your head for that" She told him venomously.

The man looked scared his eyes left hers and they traveled up. Daemion was standing behind her. The man quickly let go of her hand stumbling back but it was already to late. In the next second his head was on the floor and gasps could be heard from bystanders.

Daemion put his sword back turning his sister around and kneeling down infront of her. He put his hands on her face looking into her eyes. "Are you ok" His voice was laced with worry.

Daenys just smiled lifting up her wrist. "It will leave a bruise but that is all" She told him. "Thank you. He was very rude" He just nodded kissing her forehead and standing up. "Come along now. The others are in our tent" Daemion told her taking her hand and walking off.


The twins heard about what happened with the Lannister and they weren't very happy. Aerea had Daenys on her lap making sure she was ok and looking at her wrist every few minutes to make sure it was ok. Daemon had praised Daemion for dealing with the situation and thanked him.

Daemon had then went to inform Viserys of the situation and ask the him to reprimand the Lannister further. Viserys had agreed and sent someone to clean up the body.

"But are you really alright my baby" Aerea had asked Daenys once again. Daenys just smiled and kissed her mothers cheek. "Perfectly fine. Daemion dealt with it and now I am perfectly happy" She reassured her mother again. Aerea nodded and continued to hug her daughter.

Harwin came in a little later to inform them that the hunt was starting. Daemon, Daeron, Daemion and Aerion were the only ones who wanted to go on the hunt so the rest stayed behind.


The two young children went back outside to play while Aerys and Aerea talked. Aerys was very fidgety more than normal. He needed to tell his mother something. Get it if his chest but every time he tried he become a stuttering mess.

Aerea knew what he was trying to tell her but she knew he needed to say it. So here she sat rubbing his back while she tried to comfort him.

"It's ok. You can tell me anything" She said with a kind smile. He took a beep breath and looked up. Meeting her eyes and stuttering out. "Mama I think I like men"

Aerea just gave him a kind smile. "I know baby. It's ok. I love you. So does your father and your siblings. Your perfect" She told him.

Aerys was shocked he was so sure she would be angry but here she was giving him a hug and telling him she loves him.

He couldn't he happier. His mother loves him.

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