Chapter Fifteen // Dragon Stone

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Daemon watched as Maesters rushed around his wife. His heart was beating so fast and his ears were ringing so loud he though he may just pass out. How could this be happing. His dear fragile wife was hurt. He turned face his children who rushed into the room.

Daeron was the first to speak. "What in the seven hells" His voice was laced with anger. "Who did this" He spoke with a deathly chill that promised pain and Suffering. "Aemond" Aerion spoke harshly she was clearly very angry. "He's in the dungeons" She spoke. Daeron nodded and turned to there father who gave him a nod. "Send someone down when there is news" Daeron said as he turned to leave. Planning on paying Aemond a visit. "I'm coming to" Daemion said to his brother as they turned to leave Daemon spoke up. "Do not kill him just yet boys. Make it slow and painful" Deamon spoke in a evil tone. He didn't care if Aemond was just a boy. He had hurt his wife and to Daemon that was the highest evil.

After a few moment the Maester had finished seeing to Aerea and turned to Daemon and his children. "We have done all we can and all we can do now is wait for her to wake up" The Maester said watching as Daemon nodded. "The babe is also well no damage was done" Deamon's face twisted. Babe what babe. The Maester's turned to one of realisation. "You didn't know. It appears the Princess is with child 2 moons along My Prince" The Maester told Daemon. Aerion let out a gasp. Her mother was pregnant.

They had all assumed that Aelor was going to be the last after all he was 15 now and considered an adult. Daemons face turned from shocked to angry he picked up a glass a throw it at the wall. He couldn't take his. His pregnant wife was unconscious and injured.

Daenys quickly walked over to her father trying to calm him down. "Father please. Aerys is scared you need to see to him" Daenys hoped that distracting him with his son would help Daemon to calm down. He just simply nodded and walked over to his crying son. Pulling him into his arms and holding him tight.


Daemon stared at the bed were his wife lay unconscious. She had been like this for one month now. Daemon of course hadn't been takeing this very well and kill 3 Maester in his anger. He was not handling the situation well at all. Constantly losing his temper shouting, throwing things, attacking people.

The whole family were struggling Aerys wouldn't leave his mothers side. He wouldn't eat or talk to anyone he would just lay down curled up next to her his hand would rest on the slight baby bump that had formed. Daemon would sit on the chair next to the bed watching his son breakdown without his mother. It tore him apart.

Not even Rowin could get him to move. Rowin and Daemon would have to force the boy to eat and sleep. Needless to say there was little rest for the family. None of them could find pease without there mother. Daenys was having a very painful and difficult pregnancy and all she wanted was her mother there.

Daemons hand was placed in his wife's using his thumb to rub soft circles on her hand. He couldn't stop thinking about the babe. They had both said that Aelor would be the last but he couldn't find it in himself to hate the idea of having another child. He let a small smile play on his face as he thought about holding the little bundle in his arms. Singing to the child and kissing there head. But the smile quickly left as he thought about Aerea not being there. He couldn't take it. He had let his happen. If he hadn't went to that meeting or insisted she stay in her rooms while he was gone she wouldn't be hurt.

As Daemon looked down to his wife and there son curled up next to her he decided that once Aerea woke up they would move back to Dragon stone. They would stay there were it is safe and look after there children and soon to be grandchildren. The red keep was to dangerous. Far to many people who they didn't trust.

Daemon stood up kissing his son's and wife's head before going to speak to Viserys to inform him of the decision. He would also need to tell his children to start packing. He would send Daenys, Daemion and Aelor there first with there dragons and sworn swords. Daenys would soon be to pregnant to travel and Aelor would need time to get use to Dragon stone again.

As he though more about it and started to make the arrangement he become more sure that this was the right thing to do. As he walked down the corridor to Daenys and Daemion's room he took a beep breath. He knew they wouldn't want to leave without there mother but he needed this. To have his family safe and protected. They would be on Dragon stone. No one could hurt them and with his daughter pregnant he worried for her.

He knocked on there there door listening in for the come in. Once he heard it he pushed open the door and looked around the room. Taking note of Daemion sharping his sword on the table and Daenys by the fire. They both looked up towards there father anxiously. Worried that he had come with news about there mother.

"My children" Deamon addressed them as they walked over to him. "I would like you two along with Aelor to go to dragon stone" Daemion was about to object but Daemon cut him off. "Once your mother has woken up we will all be going back there but I need you to get it ready. Daenys will be to far along to travel if you don't leave soon" Daemon told his children. Daenys nodded understanding. Daemion still looked wary.

"At dragon stone we will be safe. Away from all those who would hurt us" Daemon spoke reassuring Daemion who was now convinced. "When do want us to leave" Daenys asked as he placed a hand on her belly. "As soon as Aelor is ready" Deamon said. "You will need to help him he hasn't been there since he lost his sight. You will have to be his eyes until he is use to the castle" Daemon's voice was a commend no room for nagotaction. Not that they would argue they loved their little brother and would look after him. "Has Aelor been informed" Daenys asked her father who nodded. "I will leave you to pack I have been away from Aerea for to long" Daemon rushed out of the door once he said goodbye to his children not wanting to be away from his wife for a moment more.

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