Chapter Fourteen // The dragon pit

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Miraxes, Aerea's dragon soared across the sky. Aerea had taken her out for a ride. Daemon was in an important meeting and wouldn't be back till late. Aerea was very lonely and went to her dragon for comfort. They had been flying for about an hour now. Aerea looked around at the cloud filled sky. There was nothing like being on a dragon high in the skies. It was the only time Aerea felt peace away from Daemon.

Aerea let out a sigh as she landed infront of the dragon pit. She knew she had to go back to the castle or people would start to worry. Aerea sent her dragon back off. The guards giving her an uneasy look. They didn't like the fact that she let her dragon roam free. It made them feel uneasy and scared. Aerea let out a small laugh at there faces.

She looked to the entrance of the dragon pit. Walking in to see if Aerion was there. She would normally be teaching the young princes by now. Aerea didn't find Aerion in the main coliseum and walked through the pit. Walking down corridors. Aerea thought that maybe she was in one of the princes dragons caves. They often did there lessons in there.

As she walked down she saw Rhaenyra's children down a corridor. They were shouting at someone. Aerea stopped walking and was going to turn away when she saw Aemond throw a stone at the little boys.

They quickly got into a fight and Aemond picked up a big rock. He was going to smash the little princes heads in with it. Aerea quickly stepped in. She was shacking from fear. She hated this but she wouldn't let Aemond kill Rhaenyra's children.

"S-stop" Aerea told Aemond with a whimper. Aemond just scoffed at her and was about to drop the stone on the boys head. Aerea quickly graded Aemonds arm. "I said stop" Aerea told him more confidently. Aemond seemed to really be angry now. "Let go of me you stupid bitch" Aerea had tears in her eyes. She didn't like this. Not at all. It was to much for her. But she knew she needed to protect those little boys.

They had done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be hurt or die. "No" She told him again. Aemond shook in anger. He still had the rock in his hand. He brought it up and slammed in down onto Aerea's head.

For a moment no one moved. Nothing happened and then all at once chaoice broke out. Aerea crumpled to the floor blood falling everywhere. Rhaenyra's children rushed over pushing over Aemond and pulling the rock away from him.

Aerion who had only just got there rushed over to her mother. She was late getting to the pit because she needed to talk to Daeron about training the kings gaurd. She had walked down the corridors towards the meeting place she told the young princes to meet her there. She walked around the corner hearing a commotion to see her mother on the floor blood flowing from her head. Aemond on the floor with a blood cover rock and Rhaenyra's children tackling him.

Aerion screamed for a gaurd who quickly came over to see what was wrong. She told him to go get Daemon and a Maester. She held her mothers head as she watched Aegon one of Rhaenyra's children punch Aemond until he lost consciousness. Good that way she doesn't have to kill him straight away. He deserved a slow and painful death for hurting her mother. She knew Daemon would give him that.

Aerion kept presume on Aerea's bleeding head and let out a sigh of relief as she heard shouts and footsteps coming closer. Daemons face stilled when he saw his wife on the floor. Then the ranger washed over him. He would kill whoever did this. A slow and painful death. He would torcher the person. Make there life a living hell before killing them. He took in the scene in front of him.

Quickly coming to the conclusion that Aemond did this. He rushed over to his wife and pulled her into his arms. He was shaking in part from anger and part from fear. He couldn't lose his wife. She was the most important thing to him. She was his entire world. He looked down at her face and kissed her head. Rocking her back and forth as blood flowed from her head. "No, no. This can't be happening. No" Daemon voice craked as he spoke. The maester soon apeard. The old man took longer to get here than Daemon because he didn't run down the corridors pushing people out of the way like Daemon had.

He quickly approached the unconscious women and her husband. Taking note of her daughter at the side dragging an unconscious Aemond by the neck down the corridor. The maester tried to take Aerea away from Daemon to assess her injury but Daemon wouldn't let go of her. "My prince I need to check the wound and start treatment" The maester started but Daemon didn't seem to want to listen. "We need to act fast" The maester said hopeing to encourage Daemon away from his wife. The maester looked to Aerion for help. Knowing Daemon wouldn't let go of his wife without any great effort. "Please Father. This is important. You can still sit by her. But you need to let the maester help mother" Aerion begged her father as she dragged Aemond and gave him to a gaurd. Ordering him to be taken to a cell and telling another to take the young princes to there mother.

Daemon seemed to snap out of it and moved his wife a little letting the Maester see to her. Performing all manner of strange test to find out different things. He put some wrapping on her head and turned to Daemon. "She needs to get back to the castle so I can stitch her head and give her medicine to help her" The maester told Daemon who nodded picking up his wife and hurrying back towards the Red Keep.

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