Chapter Nineteen // A wee Babe

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Aerea sat with her month old grandson and her daughters. They were in the dinning room having tea together. The boys had wanted to come as well but Aerion and Daenys said they wanted to spend time with there mother having a girl chat. Daemion was quick to point out that little baby Daemon was a boy and he should go with them the girls just gave him a 'are you serious' look before simply saying. "Don't be ridiculous". Sending the boys including there father off so they could be alone with there mother.

"Have you decided on a name for the babe" Aerion asked her mother. Aerea shook her head. "You'll find out the same way you did your brothers" Aerea told them. Making both girls groan. Both Aerea and Daemon would always refuse to tell the babes name to anyone before they had been believed and were in Aerea's arms safe and sound. Much to the announce of there children.

Aerea laughed at her children's reaction. Aerion puffed out her cheeks a little and glared at her mother playfully. "Why notttttttt" Aerion whined. This made Daenys laugh at her sisters antics. "Traditions are special and I happen to like this one" Aerea simply said before going back to looking at her grandchild. She was already smitten. "We'll I do not" Aerion whined but couldn't help but laugh with made the others join in.

They continued to talk for almost half a day before Daemon barged into the room. Stating that he had been away from Aerea far to long and that she must give him attention. The lady's laughed at there fathers and husband before they all got up to leave. However they all stopped as Aerea let out a painful gasp. She gripped her stomach as blood ran down her leg.

This wasn't good her breathing picked up and panic set in. Something was wrong with the babe. Aerea wasn't due for another 2 moons and that made her panic worsen. Daemon ran to his wife as she collapsed onto the floor. Picking her up a running towards there room. Shouting for the Maesters and handmaidens.


Aerea's screams filled the castle. Not the normal labour screams. This was more intense. It was filled with a pain that couldn't be describe. Something was very wrong.

Daemon looked towards the Maester who loomed over his screaming wife. "That babe is in the wrong position" The Maester said. That made Daemons heart drop. That was how Viserys wives died. He just got Aerea back he couldn't lose her yet. No he wouldn't lose her ever.

Daemon quickly sat behind his wife wrapping her in his arms. "Listen to me very carefully Aerea" Deamon spoke to his wife. This was very important he needed her to focus no matter how much pain she was in. "I need you to push with all you're might. No matter what happens. Ok" Deamon told his wife as he kissed her head. "I will not lose you. Do you understand" Aerea nodded her head. "Deamon" She rasped out. "I know I'm here. You can so this" Aerea began to push. As hard as she could. She thought that she might just exploded then and there. It was all to much. She couldn't do this but there was Deamon behind her telling her she could. And Daemon was always right.

Soon she felt a shape pain and then a flood of relief. The babe was out. But there was no cry. Aerea felt a beep wave of grief. Was her babe ok. She tried to look around through her blurry eyes but she couldn't see anything. And then she heard it a faint cry. The cry of a wee Babe.

"Oh thank the gods" Aerea said as a small babe was placed in her arms. She looked behind her at Daemon his eyes on there little baby. "A girl" He whispered out as he brought his hand to her head. Lightly stroking it. "So Beautiful" Deamon's said as he kissed the babes head. He then tuned to Aerea.

"You did so well my love. I am so proud of you" Deamon said as he kissed her head. His smile matched hers as they stared at there wee babe.

"Sooooo what's her name" Aerion said as she stood at the end of her mothers bed. All of there children were in there room looking at there parents on the bed holding a small babe. Aerea looked up from there youngest child and towards Daemon silently telling him to speak. "Her name is
Aerena" Deamon watched as there children smiled at each other. "A Beautiful name for a Beautiful baby" Daenys said as she watched her mother holding her baby sister.

They were all still a little shaken and worried for there mother. That was a very hard labour and no one could stand the thought of losing Aerea.

"Ok can I hold him now" Aelor asked wallowing over to the bed and putting his hand out to feel for his parents. He came in contact with Daemon who took his hand. "Yes but be carful" Deamon said as he placed Aerena in Aelors hands. Making sure to place the child in the right position for his son. Aelor's face cracked into a smile. "Ha, I held her first. That mean I'll be her favourite" Aelor spoke snuggle turning in the direction he thought his family were in. "Hay no. That's not how it works" Aerion shouted shocked she quickly looked to her other siblings. "It's not right" She quickly said getting a laugh out of the group.

Aerea smiled at her family. She couldn't he happier. They were all together and they were all safe.

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