Chapter Twenty // The end

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5 years later life was still going well for the family. Aerion had her first child a boy called Rhaenor. Daenys had a girl called Aerea so that both her children match her parents. Aerena was a little spot fire for only five. Despite her small stature or being the youngest of the siblings she was quite her little lady. She had everyone wrapped her little finger and she knew it to.

"Aerena" a sharp voice called out through the hall. "And we're do you think your going without your gaurd" Harwin Strong asked as he watched the little girl run down the corridor. Her sworn sword happened to be Luke Strong his youngest son. Aerena let out a little giggle. "He must have lost me when I started to run" Aerena said as Harwin gave her a hard look which she paid no notice to.

Soon the heavy footsteps of an out of breath Luke Strong came barrelling down the hall. "Princess please don't run off" Luke said as he nearly toppled over from exhausting. He had been running after the girl all bay. How she still had Energy was Beyond him.

"You must keep a better eye on her Luke" Harwin told his son strictly. "Yes father" Luke said as Aerena giggled at the side of them. "Come on Luke let's go see the beach" Aerena said as she took her sworn swords hand bragging in out the castle. Harwin just chuckled as he watched them go.


Daemon watched as his wife slept in there room. She had been up all last night conferring Aerena who had woken up from a nightmare. He girl crawled into her parents bed crying her eyes out.

There was a knock at the door and Daemon spoke a soft come in as to not wake his wife. Daeron walked into the room taken on his sleeping mother and motioning for his father to come talk to him. Daemon got up from the bed but not before kissing his wife's head.

Daemon followed after Daeron out the room. He turned to his son once they shut the door. "Aerena went into the caves again" Daron told his father with a exasperated sigh. The caves were restricted for Aerena ever since she fell over and broke her arm in the caves. Daemon despite being a little annoyed at being pulled away smiled as he walked down toward the caves. Aerena was so much like Daemon it was almost comical.

Daemon coughed getting his daughters attention as she sheepishly tuned around. "It's not what it looks like" Aerena said quickly. "So your not in the caves even though you were told you weren't allowed" Daemon said strictly. "We'll yes that is what it looks like but I'm here for a reason" Aerena said. "And what is that" Deamon asked now a little curious. "I wanted to pick flowers for Mama. I kept her up all night and I wanted to say thank you" Deamon was taken aback he was not at all expecting that.

"We'll I guess I'll have to help you then" Deamon said as he picked up his daughter walking through the cave to find flowers.


An hour later Daemon and Aerena walk into Daemons room. He held his daughter in his arms as she tightly gripped onto the flowers they picked. Daemon put her down as she began to squirm. She wanted to get over to her mother.

Aerea smiled at her daughter as she came over to her. Aerea picked her up looking over to her husband. "We'll hello there. Where have you two been" Aerea asked as she looked down at her smiling daughter. "We picked flowers for you Mama" Aerena said as she waved them in air. Aerea took them of her daughter and smiled at her. "Wow there Beautiful. Thank you" Aerea said as she kissed her daughters head.

"Right I think it's about time for lunch. The rest of the family should be there already" Deamon said as he picked up there daughter and took his wife's hand.


They walked into the dinning room and watched as the rest of the family stood up. They walked to there seats and sat down gesturing for the others to do so to. They all quickly got to eating. Harwin strong sat on the other end of the table with Rowin to his right and Aerys next to Rowin. Luke was on the other side of him and then Criston. Jace was sitting with his wife Aerion and there son Rhaenor.

This had become a common occurrence after they left the red keep. Instead of a family breakfast they had family dinner. It was much more suited to the little ones who were still very young and needed extra sleep.

Daemon filled his wife's plate as they spoke in soft tones. Smiling at each other as they watch there family.

There was loud laughing and smiles around the table. This was the life they wanted. Together as one family all under one roof. Safe and happy. Daemon smiled. Everything was perfect.

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