The signs as happy feelings

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Aries: Scoring the winning goal/touchdown/point in the big game
Taurus: Baking the most delicious, beautiful cake in the whole wide world
Gemini: Leaving to go on an adventure somewhere you've always wanted to go
Cancer: Walking with someone you love in the early morning rain
Leo: Watching the fireworks on the 4th of July, taking in their beauty
Virgo: Finally telling that special someone you love them
Libra: Staying up all night with your best friends, talking about anything and everything
Scorpio: Rereading your favorite part in your favorite book
Sagittarius: Waking up to the beautiful mountain sunrise
Capricorn: The end of the school year, with great summer plans and a perfect report card in tow
Aquarius: Jokingly pushing your friend into the pool, laughing your head off afterwards
Pisces: Having good times with friends, currently making some of the best memories of your life

Your signs in astrologyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant