The signs as white boy things

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aries: those elite socks that are up to their frickin thighs
taurus: burping competitions after like twenty cans of pop
gemini: critizing the teacher and think your being funny but ur not sorry
cancer: saying no homo after accidently grazing ur bros hand even if it just like caused a slight draft and no contact was made
leo: dropping a mixtape tape that was only semi-fire
virgo: practicing pick up lines on ur pillow
libra: dancing by awkwardly grabbing their crotch
scorpio: masturbating
sagittarius: says they going clubbing and getting wasted when they're only like 12
capricorn: tries to get in ur pants and in ur bank account
aquarius: tryin to get turnt by snorting smarties
pisces: saying "haha and then what ;)" while texting

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