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I was sitting there trying to help Nessy tame his wild beautiful hair.

"you sure you got this?" he asked

"Nessy baby I've braided your hair before" I tell him

"I know" he says

"then yeah I've got this" I tell him

"alright" he says

I went back to braiding his hair a little different than how he does it but tight enough to where it does not come loose.

"alright baby. all done" I tell him

he got up and went to see how it looked while I gathered all the hair supplies before getting kissed.

I giggled.

"love you too" I tell him

"thank you so much" he says before taking his hair supplies and putting them away.

"you gonna be gone all day with Miguel?" I asked

"not sure till I get to Mikey's house" he says

"Please whatever you do baby. be careful" I pleaded

"I will don't worry," he says

"Nestor you know I always worry about you. like you worry about me" I tell him

"I will do my best to not get hurt too bad." he says

"I can live with that" I tell him

I walk with him to the door and give him a kiss.

"love you, baby. please call or text me if you're gonna be late" I call after him

"will do" he says

I waved him off before I shut the door and whistled for Gunner.

"shall we walk to the park Gunny?" I asked

he wagged his tail and I took that as a let's go.

"Alright, bud," I say before I grab his lead and attach it to his collar, but his do not touch I'm working vest on before I grabbed my gun and slip it into my waistband under my top before I grab the keys and walk out.

I locked up the house before leading Gunner off to the park.

Generally, when people see Gunner they ignore the vest and proceed to touch him. and I've told them plenty of times don't touch him he's working.  and they always say they are allowed to touch him cause he's a dog. I've gotten into verbal altercations with them or the parents about touching Gunner.  and half the time it starts after I remove their hand or walk off and they follow telling me to stop that they can touch my dog.

So hopefully that won't be the case today.

I took a seat for a moment on the bench when someone walked up and went to touch Gunner.

"don't touch him please" I tell them

"why not he's a dog" the replied

"he's working" I replied

"how?" they asked

"just please don't touch him" I replied

they ignored me and went to touch him but I pushed their hands away.

"don't touch me" they say

"don't touch my dog" I replied

they went to do it again and I again pushed their hand away.

"touch me again and I'll hit you" they say

I got up and walked off not wanting to beat up a dipshit.

"hey" they called after me but I ignored them and kept walking.

when I noticed they were following me I took multiple trails to get away from them. till I came to a dead end.

"got nowhere to go" they say as they closed in on me

when they went to try and touch me I slapped their hands away which made then back hand me.

I dropped Gunner's lead and commence to beating their fucking ass to the point the passed out.

I reached down and grabbed Gunner's lead that he picked up in his mouth and I walked off back towards the walking trail leaving the piece of shit behind.

I stayed out a bit longer allowing Gunner and myself to enjoy a beautiful day.

After I got home and cleaned up before putting ointment on the bruise I called take out and got Gunner situated before I sat on the couch waiting for Nes to get home.

"baby I'm back" Nes called out

"living room papi" I replied

I could hear him messing around as he removed his gun holster and hung up his keys.

He greeted Gunner like he always did before he came over towards me.

"what the fuck happened to you?" he asked

"a piece of shit in the park" I replied

"What did he do?" he asked

"well at first he approached me and went to touch Gunner and I asked him not to and we got into over that. before I got up and walked away.  I noticed he was following me so I tried to lose him so I'd not have to beat his ass. but he kept following me up to a dead end and this time he didn't go to touch Gunner he went to touch me but I slapped his hand away and he backhanded me so I dropped Gunner's lead and commenced to beating his ass not giving Gunner time to protect me." I tell

"then what?" he asked

"the guy passed out and I left him" I replied

"which part and what part?" he asked

I tell him and then watch as he heads back out.

I sighed knowing what he was gonna do.

moments later when he came back home I helped him clean up.

"thank you" I tell him

"welcome" he says before giving me a kiss

"love you" I tell him

"enough to be my bride?" he asked

"I'd marry yo tonight if I was given the chance" I tell him

"lets go to vegas right now and marry" he says as he tosses the trash.

"Nessy baby. you need to rest" I tell him

"I will once I've got you as my wife," he says

I giggled before I got up and walked up to him.

"can I make a request?" I asked

"sure" he says

"will you put your hair down?" I asked

he nodded before he removed the elastic bands from his hair. I ruffled his hair so it fanned out and fell over his shoulders.

"thank you" I say

"welcome" he says

We headed out the door with Gunner in tow and went to a nearby chapel where Miguel met us and witnessed our marriage.

Wondrous Journey (completed)Where stories live. Discover now