Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

I slammed the dryer door shut and tugged my hair out of frustration. I did not want to go to that party. At all.

I didn't even fold the clothes, I just stuffed them in my bag and paced out the door, paranoid that he would come back.

The sharp acrid scent out fresh fish and salt bit at my nose as I walked out into the unbearable heat. I balanced the bag on my shoulder and adjusted my shorts before deciding against walking so close to the shore.

An old couple in matching floral shirts gave me an odd look as they passed in front of me.

There was low whistle behind my back and I almost jumped out of my pants... I think I did jump out of my pants.

"That would be us in the future," I quickly peeped at my pants and tugged them up higher, "We can be that cute old couple that loves each other till death."

I breathed slowly and tilted my head back in annoyance, hoping the bright blue would forgive me for hitting him.

"Okay," I said calmly instead and turn around in time to see his face fall.

"It's no fun when you play that way kitty," I grimaced and sighed.

"What do you want?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"A life together," I blinked him and he chuckled, "I kid!"

He had this playful aura about him and it kind of irritated me how messy his hair was. He was a dick, a cute one.

"Well," he started sounding a bit nervous and I stomped down the urge to smirk, "I'm kind of—sort of—in a band."

He paused and looked at me bashfully and I honestly wasn't surprised so I gave him an impatient look and he continued.

"It's no big deal really," he added quickly.

"Okay?" I drawled, "Can you make this quick or at least walk and talk because I'm kind of busy"


"Uh, okay," he stuttered and caught up with me in a few steps, "Right, where was I... But we're on vacation, we don't usually perform on vacation. Jesse's cousin or whatever asked him to perform at his party."

He glanced at me nervously and this time I did laugh. It got more attention than it should have because a couple of girls turned around and glared at me when they noticed Lucas.

The screaming was unbearable. They ran up to him in a frenzy and I took it as my cue to leave. I doubt that he was that hot or was it the band thing? I highly doubt any band with him in it would be successful.

"Bye, Lucas," I shook my head and continued walking.

I wonder if I should tell Ciara about the party... Maybe I should just ignore the invite and not tell them anything.

I decided on the lather but with my luck Ciara already found James and did the dirty deed. I sighed and kicked at the white-grey pebbles on the sidewalk.

Jesse, Lucas, who the hell are these boys?

"Did you hear?" Ciara bounced happily sitting crossed legged on the ugly rug, "James is having a party tonight!"

The way she said his name was like a swoon. I blinked at her and tried to act bored.

"Who?" I raised an eyebrow at her and walked past her carefully towards the stairs.

I tried my best to remain passive and not blush. For all she knew I hated James and never kissed him.
Whatever, she can have him. I let her have him then and I'm going to let her have him now.

"Are you coming tonight or nah?" Jan blinked on her mascara and in the mirror and turned to face me, "Is that enough? God, I feel like I can never get this right."

"It's fine," I rolled my eyes at her and pulled my legs up on the bed, "I'm fine, I was planning to study anyway."

"It's summer and technically you don't go to school," she narrowed her eyes at me.

Ciara walked and grabbed her underwear and a towel then left slamming the door behind her swaying hips.

Jan's gaze never left me and my face grew warmer. Jan didn't know about what happened between James and I, no one did.

"You remember when James visited you a few summers ago?"I bit my lip an Jan just rose an eyebrow, "James sora sorta—kinda—kissed me."

"I knew it!" Jan laughed and claped her hands, "I knew he wasn't into Ciara from the time I saw him look at you but whatever, suit yourself—stay home."

I nodded and returned to scrolling through my newsfeed.

"Hey, Jan?" My memory clicked and Jan hummed,"Have you seen my phone?"

"Who me?" Her voice got high on the 'me', "No."

I narrowed my eyes at her mannerism but brushed it off and focused on my laptop.

A link for a song by The Vapours was the first thing I saw and I ignored it.

A few minutes later Ciara peeped her head through the door, she gave me a questioning glance then narrowed eyes at Jan.

"It's almost ten," she whined, "come on."

And with a wink of sequins she disappeared behind the door.

Jan grabbed her purse and shuffled out the room.

"Please change your mind," she cooed from behind the door, "The Vapours will be there."

Two hours and countless replays of the same Drake songs later there was a mic check and I finally gave in. Who was I kidding, I don't study, I party.

I took a quick shower and pulled on a pair of jeans and one of Ciara's sequined tank tops.

A shot of warm breeze brushed my neck as I stepped out the door and checked the lock. The music stop and the house across the street was still save for the people spilled on the lawn randomly.

"Welcome to summer!" James' voice filled the quiet streets and I inched closer towards the house.

The crowd erupted into a burst of cheers, it's like he invited the whole darn country.

His back yard was decorated with paper lanterns and twinkling lights. I tried to focus on getting through the crowd —they were still clapping and screaming, that's when I realized he has a pool and the stage was right in front of it.

I rolled my eyes and decided to go inside where I hoped it was less crowded and stuffy. Hopefully Jan and Ciara weren't there.

"Let's here's it for The Vapours!" James gave a whoop above the noise and the crowd grew even rowdier.

I turned curiously and watched from the back deck as the crowd quieted itself when four silhouettes settled on the stage—I could only see the shadows of their heads from where I stood.

"Goodnight everyone," wait no,"We're The Vapours."

I am so dense. Why did I not notice this?

I turned to leave through the front door of the house when I felt someone smack me on my butt.

"I knew you'd come!" Jan whooped and Ciara smirked at me.

"They always said don't trust a girl with a broken hair tie..."


Yoohoo! Took forever to update but I have been writing this chapter for a few days. Thanks for reading ☺

Fleur ❤

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