October 10, 1939.

12 2 0

The children were outside of the house, which looked somewhat neglected on the outside, away from everything in the field, hidden a bit with some bushes that made it look old but charming next to the nearest village, Модно.

Bun knew that they were there away from the capital because his father wanted to protect them, keeping them away from there.

After the accident they had with his father, they were cleaning as much as others placing the food in the basement for the winter, or just have to remove the snow with some shovels.

S.Lithuania- This is all you' faul' 'ussia.-He said hardly, after the punch his father had to take off the broken tooth to bandage his face to avoid the pain a little.

S.Russia- Excuse me? My fa-

S.Belarus- замолчи [shut up].-she said upset, to keep cleaning the windows.

They were all working, as was Bun, who was at the back of the house with Estonia, both of them were shoveling snow, until Bun stopped, looking through the nearby forest.

S.Estonia- What are you doing?- she said to look at him.

S.Bun- Father put a fence.. we can't go outside..?

S.Estonia- No, he says that is really dangerous.

S.Bun-Hmm..it's kinda boring to be here.. inside. -He said to grab the shovel again.

S.Estonia- Yes, but we can't do anything. Now let's keep cleaning.- she said to keep working.

S.Bun- Mmh..wait..we can do something!- he smiled to throw the shovel to the ground and run to his father's office.

S.Estonia- Wait! I will not clean by myse-!..-she heaved a sigh to frown, and follow him.

When Bun was about to reach the main entrance , he felt someone pull his arm, he let out a groan but when he looked up, he saw a car which almost caught him.

S Bun- Ouch!..huh?- He saw a black car ahead, as shiny as the shoes of the country who got out of the vehicle with a kid of their age, car which had red flags with a swastika in the center.

S.Belarus- Bun! Be careful..-she said still holding her brother's arm, to sigh.

S.Bun-Oh..who are them?- he asked looking at his sister.

T.Reich- Guten Morgen, Kinder.- he looked to all of them, to then the Soviet, who was at the door with two soldiers, approached to shake hands with the German.

USSR- Здравствуйте..Reich.- He said to look down, where was the little german, looking at him with some fear.

T. Reich- You have so beautiful kids..I bet they will get so along with my son, right, Germany?

The German only looked at his father, just nodding.

S.Bun- Ger..many..?- He looked at him with detail, who was wearing a suit.

Germany when he heard his name, looked at the Nordic, who when he saw the German, he greeted him with his hand in a friendly way, smiled to return the gesture, but his father would see him, so he would look at the Nordic too.

Reich would approach to the youngest, looking at him as he stood his ground.

T.Reich- What's your name, young boy?- said with his German accent.

S.Bun- Oh..huh..m-my name is Bun..BunBun.- he said a little nervous, to smile.

T.Reich- I see..you are..Nordic, huh?- he grabbed him by the cheeks, to look at him in detail.

S.Bun-Uhm..yes..-he moved away a little, feeling uncomfortable with the older man's touch, which he didn't liked at all.

T.Reich- Heh..yes, i really like Nordic ones.-He said to smile, showing his sharp fangs, which scared the siblings, but who most did was Bunbun.

USSR- Come on, Reich, we have to talk.- He said a little serious.

Reich walked away accompanying the Soviet.

The siblings looked at each other as Bun approached to the German.

S.Bun-Hi! Germany! I'm BunBun- they both shaked hands, smiling.-Do you want to be friends?-he said with his best smile.

Germany- Fri..ends?- he said as if he didn't exactly know the meaning of it.

S.Bun-Oh..yes? Friends? Get along and play together!- he looked at him confused.

Germany- Oh..we, we can, yes! -he said, to smile a little as he received a Bun's hug.

𝐵𝑢𝑛𝐵𝑢𝑛'𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦. [𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 1927.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora