January 15, 1940.

8 2 0

The Nordic was reading a book that he grabbed from the shelf, which was of an ancient love story.

After turning 10 years old, he didn't know what to do at all, because due to the rush of the trip he didn't have the opportunity to grab his things, just some clothes.

S.Bun- Hmm..I'm bored uhg..-he rested his head on the book, after having read several books he finally got tired, and looked up at his brothers, who were outside playing, no matter the temperatures.

S.Bun- Mmh, I want too.

The little European stood up from his seat to grab a hat and go downstairs quickly, but he collided with someone, whom he didn't recognize from the beginning.

S.Lithuania-Uhg.. look where you go, little bastard.-He said rolling his eyes when they saw him.

S.Bun-Huh..? What are you three doing here and not outside?- he said looking at the Baltics suspiciously.

S.Estonia- Mind your own business.-she said looking at him in a bad way, as the youngest did too.

Before they could continue talking, the father of the minors appeared, with some suitcases and a military suit.

USSR- Come on Kids, i have to leave, let's go outside with your siblings.

The four of them left the house, so that the oldest of all could hug some of them in a "goodbye" and talk to some soldiers.

Everyone was talking, except for Bun, who just looked at the Balts, until he realized they were heading towards one of the vehicles.

Instinctively, he decided to follow them, until he got inside the Van.

S.Lithuania- Ugh..I told you to stop eating Latvia, you're crushing my arm-

S.Bun- Huh? What?

When they both looked at each other, before shouting, Latvia put her hands on both of their mouths.

S.Latvia- Shh! They are gonna hear us!

The Baltics looked badly on the contrary, who just looked at them confused.

S.Bun-What are you doing here?! You know we can't.

S.Estonia- And what are you doing here?! Stop being a creep!- she said, but before being able to kick out the Nordic one, the doors closed and they noticed the vibrate of the vehicle.

S.Estonia- Wait..no! No no! He can't come with us!

S.Latvia- There is no way back..-she let out a sight to look deadly into bun's eyes- Keep this in silence, otherwise..

As they looked deadly to him, he just swallowed hard, nodding.

𝐵𝑢𝑛𝐵𝑢𝑛'𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦. [𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 1927.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora