January 17, 1940.

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The Soviets woke up when they heard a rumble from the place, hearing voices of some soldiers talking loudly.

S.Bun- I-i'm cold..-He said with a shrug as he rubbed his hands together from the cold.

S.Estonia-I am too..what are we supposed to do?

Only a few planes and gunshots could be heard from the afar, until they heard soldiers opening the gates.

Soldier- Пойдем! Всем на ваши посты!.. а..? Но какого черта..? [Let's go! Everybody to your positions !..huh?..What the hell..?]-he looked at the little ones, with some confusion, as it turned to anger.

Soldier- What are you doing here kids?! Are you..-he noticed their flags, as he noticed too what was happening.- You are..Soviet territories..!

The four got scared and stood up on the cold ground, knowing what awaited them, but Bun scared, ran away, not knowing where he was going.

Soldier- Hey! Little bastard! Uhg..Блять! USSR is gonna kill us! Солдаты! Иди за ним![Soldiers! Follow him!]- he said as some soldiers started to run behind him.

Entering the forest as he jumped over some fallen logs and ignored the bear warnings and some signs in a language he didn't understood, he lost the soldiers, but lost without knowing where he was, as he started to feel his body even more cold.

S.Bun-cof cof -W-where am..I..?- he asked to himself, but when he looked up he saw some planes, watching how some collided and others just attacked each other.

Scared, he grabbed his hat to run, covering his ears to avoid damaging his eardrums, until he heard a shot really close to him.

Finland- Pysähdy tuohon helvetin neuvostoliittoon..! [Stop right there fuckin Soviet..!]- He said with rage, pointing his gun at him, but when he turned around, he noticed.-What...a Kid..?

For a moment he stared at the minor, who had tears in his eyes as he raised his arms somewhat shaking from fear and cold.

S.Bun- P-please don't hurt me Sir..!- he said to look at the ground closing his eyes tightly.

For a moment the Nordic didn't believed him, but watching no weapons on him or anything like that, he put the weapon aside, approaching him to bend down and grab him by the chin.

Finland- You are..a Soviet Territory..-he said to take his hat a little abruptly as he kept scared, but he windowed his eyes when he saw all his face.- You are..Nordic..? What? How?- he said confused, but as he heard some soldiers approaching, he just grabbed the kid in his arms to start running towards his territory.

Bun hugged the eldest tightly, for a while later they both arrived somewhere where the nordic sat the Soviet on a log, taking off his jacket to give it to him.

Finland- How long have you been here..? It's really cold, how did you even arrived here to our border?- he had so many questions but the youngest just looked at the ground, to let out a sigh.

S.Bun-I just followed my brother and sisters..and i just..ran away from the soldiers, i hate them.-Said to look up again.

Finland- Your Sisters and brother..who do you mean?

S.Bun- Lithuania..Latvia and.. Estonia.

As he heard her name, he let out a sight to smile a little.

Finland- Oh..the Baltics, how not.- he rolled his eyes to start caressing his messy hair.

He just looked into his eyes, feeling a little burn in his cheeks, as he smiled back, to hug him.

Finland only let out a sigh to continue caressing him, until they separated.

Finland- You can't stay here..your father has to pick you up.- he said seriously, to stand up again, and look at him.

Finland- I will leave you near to the border, and have to be quiet, I will let know to soldiers to don't open fire against you.

He could just nodd to stand up, and follow him.

On the other part, the 3 Baltics were sitting on a bench, looking fearfully at their father, who was really angry, crossing his arms.

USSR- How..HOW!- he hit the table with a thud, scaring them.

S.Lithuania- We just-

USSR- ТИШИНА! [SILENCE!]- He yelled grab his son and throw him to the ground, who would only let out some moans, while his sisters hugged each other in fear.

Soldier- Сэр, мы нашли вашего сына на границе, но врага можно найти рядом, что делать?[Sir, we found your son at the border, but the enemy is near, what should we do?]- he said with his heavy breath.

USSR- Я иду сейчас. [I will go now]- he said to make a withdrawal gesture, to grab his shotgun and look at the Balts.- Stay here.. we'll talk at home.

The Soviet left the place, to go with several soldiers to the border, where a while later, they would find his son, and a few meters the Nordic too. He would make a gesture to make the others lower their weapons, approaching his son while looking at the finnish.

USSR- Let's go Bun.- He said with his serious voice, as he grabbed his son's hand to turn around and go back, but the younger would look back at the Finnish, as he made a farewell gesture and both smiled to leave.

𝐵𝑢𝑛𝐵𝑢𝑛'𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦. [𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 1927.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora