001 ; beginning of hell

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it was another day of jail, walking through the halls heading straight to my first class grasping onto my books tightly. "Ms Y/l/n, your hoodie." a teacher says from behind me, not noticing who or where they were I jog past everyone almost bumping into them. Until eventually I did bump into someone.

Ignoring who it was I continue to jog down the hallway, I wasn't particularly late for this class infact I was early. I just hated being in a jam packed hallway with a bunch of gross teenagers that I shared no interest with whatsoever. "Hey!" someone says, I ignore them seeing the door to my first class room of the day and reaching for the handle opening it and slamming it shut, huffing and puffing recently.

"Goodmorning Ms Y/l/n" my photography teacher, Miss Park says. The door swings open "hey you fucking bumped into me-" "Clay" Miss Park scolds the guy behind me, I spin around taking my hoodie off my head "Sorry Miss Park" Clay looks downs.

He was semi-famous, or I think he was just well-know around the school, he's a total dick. I have known him since middle school and even then he and I didn't get along. "A word?" Clay glares at me, insinuating for me and him to talk outside of the class "No" I say coldly making my way to my desk. I had completely forgotten that he and I were in this class together.

The bell hadn't rung yet so he left to go back with his friends. Miss Park had noticed the mess sprawled out on my desk "Late night?" she asks and I nod "I would say that you wouldn't understand but, teacher." I chuckle, yawning shortly after.

My hair was messily tied up into a bun that looked like a mop, I was rushed out the door this morning when my older sister was called into work this morning and offered me a ride to school.

"How is your project coming along?" Miss park stands up from her desk making her way towards me and I shrug "well i did get some very nice photos." I mumble pulling the SD card out of my camera and handing it to her "you can look at them" I smile at her politely.

Eventually the bell rang and my classmates came swarming in, each with their own friends. Except for Clay. He had no friends in this class, in fact, he had no friends in general. It was only him and two other guys that never shared the same classes as he did, I know because I'm unfortunately in most of his pathetic classes. He seems to do well in all of them.

"Good morning class." Miss Park said in a cheery tone to the class as they all sat in their respective seat, then the day begun. The popular girls in the back begun their talk about cheerleading and which boy they would do, the emo's sat in the corner of silence making their area dark, the nerds did their work and then there was me and a few others that just sat. We didn't have a clique, we just minded our own businesses.

"What're you doing?" or most of us do.

Clay sat behind me, photography wasn't his strong suit "none of your fucking business." I mutter not looking back at him. "what so you bump into me and don't answer my question, come on y/l/n." he chuckles to himself, proud of a sentence that affected me in no way.

My mouth was zipped shut, I was never in the mood to respond to him. Everything about him fucked me off, right to my core. He blinked and it made me so furious, he was on the same planet and I just wanted to tear him apart because I could. Hypothetically speaking nobody would know besides his 2 friends if I did end up killing him.

"This New Project we will be doing in pairs, now whether you like these pairings or not you will be doing this project with this person for the next three weeks." Miss Park writes on the board "each pairing has been picked and checked over by all the photography teachers, so you won't be paired with a friend." my heart sunk, it wasn't like I had many friends in this class but knowing that I had a chance to be paired with anyone in this class ruined my morning.

You see, I was well known in the school for being a bitchy-attitude girl or whatever they called me behind my back. I was also known for having 1 less friend than Clay, also known as the 'hottest boy' in our school despite the whole football team existing.

"Actually" Miss Park spins around "I won't disclose the pairs until tomorrow." she was conniving like that, she enjoyed making us wait until the very last minute.

The end of the class came and I packed my bag praying that I didn't leave anything behind "Y/n?" Miss Park yells out to me before I manage to leave the class "Yes?" I spin around "I'll be holding onto your SD card, I'll email you my thoughts tonight." she smiled politely, I simply nod and walk away because I knew her feedback would be helpful towards my next project.

I walked down the crowded halls once again, gripping onto the straps of my backpack praying that I don't bump into another person "Y/N" someone yells from across the hall, I look up to see my friend Brie waving her arms in the air, I must've had maths next because that was the only time I see her in the halls. I quickly make my way to her but stop when someone grabs my wrist "let. go. of me" I say trying to shake my wrist out of the persons grip but I soon realise who it would be.

"are you going to apologise for your bitchy attitude this morning y/l/n?" clay says with a smirk "are you going to apologise for being a cunt?" I turn my head slightly, a fake yet amused smile creeps onto my face "besides clayton, i thought everyone knew about my bitchy attitude." he lets go of my wrist and I walk off "slut" i hear him whisper to himself as I continue making my way to Brie who was walking towards me with a displeased look on her face.

"CLAY" she yells, I look down trying to grab her hand and drag her to our next class "please dont" I beg "no i got this" she says.

Brie was the type of best-friend to stick up for you even when you didn't need it. I could stand up for myself, in fact, I've gotten into multiple physical fights standing up for myself. Somehow I ended up with a best-friend who thinks I need her help. It's whatever.

Clay looks up "Brie Whitlock" Clay scoffs, fuck.

Things never went down well for people when Clay mentioned their first and last name. I only know because I've basically been in all of his classes since 4th grade. "That's my name you fucker, leave her alone." Brie says dragging me towards Clay "who, her?" I could just feel the eyes on me right now, I look down in embarrassment. It was too early in the morning for all this shit.

"Yes, Her. You know her name, might I add you had a little crush on her in 6th grade or was that just another joke. You're not the shit Clayton. I can drop you in a heartbeat." Brie threatens Clay who doesn't take any part of what Brie said seriously, instead he laughs it off like another cruel joke.

"Guys come on" I look up, it was one of Clay's friends. Nick. "Yeah we all have maths can we not do this now." I hum looking around at everyone who was all staring at Brie and Clay intently.

Brie nods and I grab her hand dragging her away "keep your bitch on a leash, y/n." Clay says and my heart drops. Did he just insult her like that? I drop Brie's hand "Alright, y/n. It was just a funny joke-" "WHAT THE FUCK" I yell, everyone now stops moving. I storm towards him, seeing nothing but red.

"What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" I say walking up to him, stopping only inches away from him "keep your bitch. on a leash." he bends down to my level, his smirk getting deeper and deeper with each word. "WHAT THE FUCK" I flip out grabbing him by the hair and taking him to the ground.

Holding him down and clenching my fist, people start to pull out their phones beginning to film it "say sorry" I whisper and he chuckles "Y/N" Brie yells "say it." my face gets closer to his "i'd rather die." he grins and my fist connects to his jaw, once, twice and a third time, actually i lost count but before i could get another fist to his face two pairs of arms wrap around me in an attempt to pull me off him.

Clay stood up wiping his mouth that was bleeding only slightly "and I'd do it again" he says, I flip out even more but notice that the principal and his secretary hard their arms wrapped around me. "LET GO OF ME YOU WEIRD CREEPY OLD PEOPLE" I scream kicking the air but my little legs fail to get me out of this situation. yet again.

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