024 ; well that happened

111 2 1

i sit up from this bed that isn't mine, or at least I tried to sit up before I'm forcefully pulled back down "clay I am not one of your side hoes, let me out." I whisper to him "five more minutes, shortcake." he responded in a groggy tone. 

I grab my phone and unlock it to see a lot and I mean A LOT of missed messages from Avery. Shit.

"Clay. I'm gonna walk home, Avery's been messaging me for hours and I can't call her." I start to panic "relax" he lets go of me and reaches for his phone "call her on mine, explain the situation then come back to bed." he says handing me his phone before closing his eyes.

I dial my sisters number and ring her, hoping she'd pick up and she does "hello?" "Ave its me, I have no call time and my whole phone is lagging." I mumble "Did you just wake up? Where are you I'm going to come and get you." she says and I can hear her grabbing her keys "I'm fine, I'm with clay." "oh!" she says, sounding excited.

"why did you just do that?" I question her "So I guess you'll be home later?" she asks "right. I'm going back to bed." I say hanging up on her and placing Clay's phone on the bedside drawer next to mine "are you done?" he groans "yes shut the fuck up." I yawn getting back in my spot next to him and he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

I close my eyes and instantly fall back asleep.

"Clayton WasTaken. Who is this lovely young lady?" eight words I dread. Sure I had met Clay's parents when I was younger but since then I hadn't seen them so they wouldn't know what I look like now.

"Dad?" Clay groans, I keep my eyes shut "Is this another one of your lady friends?" his dad asks and I try not to laugh "Dad please I haven't had someone over in months, get out." Clay groans removing his arms from my waist.

"Well who is she?" his Dad asks "Y/N Y/L/N dad." he groans "now go away before you wake her up please." he sits up "alright. love you son." his father said before walking out.

"I know you're awake" Clay says as his dad closes the door "how the fuck" I sit up from the bed to see him fluffing his hair "you're breathing pattern changed when you heard my dads voice." Clay mumbles "another one of your lady friends" I tease Clay "shut up" he tosses something at me and I laugh lying back down.

"I'm probably the only girl that hasn't had sex with you in here." I laugh but he remains silent, that causes me to look up at him "you're kidding." I say and he shakes his head, sitting down at his desk "ew please tell me you change your sheets." I mumble "of course I do you fucking dumbass." he says.

"ew." I mumble looking down at the blankets and everything "and they don't sleep in here. they sleep in the guest room." he says and my jaw drops "I couldn't sleep in there?" I ask him "You didn't ask" he smirked and I throw a pillow at him "admit you had a good sleep." he says "fuck off." I groan "you did, didn't you?" he asks.

I just ignore him and go on my phone... that just so happened to die.

"the charger is over there." he nods his head in some random direction and I just assume where it is, but I eventually find it.

"You're gonna have to remeet my parents before you go, they won't live this down." he sighs "why?" I ask him "you'll see why." he mumbles.

He hands me some spare clothes to get ready into and I make his bed whilst he is in the shower.

"ready to go?" he asks and I nod "remeeting your parents time" I say half-excited.

We walk out of his room and down the hallway to the living room where his parents sat watching TV "and they are awake" his dad says causing his mother to turn back with a huge smile as she comes up to me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Oh Miss Y/l/n It has been years, how are you?" she asks "I'm good thanks Mrs Wastaken, how are you?" I ask her "I am just splendid." she smiles to Clay and me.

"Do you know how much Clay has talked about you these past few weeks, gosh its a wonder you two aren't dating." his mother says and I look up at clay who is once again flustered. "well in that case im assuming it's all good." i smile to his mother "all good is an understatement, love." she smiles as Clay grabs my hand and drags me out of his front door "thanks mum love you be back later." he says before closing the door.

"you talk to your mum about me?" I say to him, my jaw dropping. Clay was known the keep his life a secret from everyone especially his family, of course i had to know these things because i'm his enemy. his enemy, stop fucking falling for him jesus christ.

"Why do you sound so shocked?" he asks me "because I am" and I get into his car "it's not everyday you hear, Clay told his mum about me." I say to him and he laughs "Who says that?" he asks me getting into his car "Nobody because everybody knows that you don't talk about anything personal to anyone." I say with a smug look on my face.

"Oh come on, I tell Nick and George everything." he turns his head to look at me "mhm sure" i don't believe him, I mean if he did tell Nick and George everything then Nick and George would have known about Clay and... you know.

"Well i tell them like 99.9 percent of things. the 0.01 percent i tell you." he smiles "what so the weird sentimental shit?" i ask and he nods "the weird sentimental shit." he laughs.

We drove into town and I turned to face him, he was focused on driving so he didn't really pay attention to my eyes burning into his soul. His jawline was sharp, his side profile could have never impressed me before but for some reason its doing more than impressing me.

I noticed how he clenched his jaw when he would come up to a red light or when an idiot driver merged into the lane that we were in, then he wound down the window and his hair starting flying like crazy... that was until he put on a cap backwards. I must admit I was a sucker for guys who could wear caps let alone wear caps backwards.

"you wanna come in?" he says pulling into a shake shack "uh sure" I sigh unbuckling my seatbelt and following shortly behind him as we walk into the shake shack together.

"Y/n!" someone says immediately noticing me, fuck this.

I look around trying to find a familiar face, "Luke!" I laugh, Luke was an old family friend. He went to our school until he got expelled for smoking weed in the bathroom "hey long time no see." he says pulling me into a hug, Clay stood there awkwardly looking at the menu "How are you?" I ask him "I'm great, i was actually just thinking about you and your family recently how are they?" he asks "they're good."

Eventually the short meet and greet with Luke came to an end because he had gotten a phone call from his mother, which is understandable she is a lovely lady.

"You ready to order?" Clay says and I nod "can you tell them i want a ShackBurger and a Rootbeer float? I'll pay you back when we get back to my house." I whisper to him and he nods "but why dont you order?" he whispers back "because, i get nervous whe-" "when you have to talk to restaurant workers face to face rather than through the drive-thru right, I forget" he laughed before taking a step forward in the queue.

He pays for the food "you don't need to pay me back." he says "I will, this isn't charity WasTaken." I glare at him before walking towards an empty table. 

We both sit down across from each other and he looks at me and laughs "what?" I say to him "is there something wrong?" I ask, very cautious of what I was doing and he shakes his head "no it's nothing." he smirks.

Fine have it your way smart ass.

Moments pass and our food is given to us "thanks" I smile softly to the guy who winks back at me. Clay notices, his hand rolls up into a fist and his whole demeanour had become tense. "I'm not your girlfriend Clayton." I glare at him as soon as the worker leaves us.

"May aswell be." he mumbles putting a fry in his mouth "oh please, you couldn't properly ask out a girl to save your balls." I reply and he rolls his eyes "Ease up you fucking idiot, don't roll your eyes at me." I give him a stern look and he sighs, eating his food.

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