002 ; the origin of hatred (pt2)

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I sit in the waiting room patiently, waiting as our principal unlocks his office "come in" he sighs sick of my bullshit. This wasn't the first time I punched Clay over something like him calling my best friend a bitch.

"Y/n Y/l/n what do we do with you." Mr Lively sighs sitting in his chair and tapping a pen against his desk in a frustrated manner "get that bitch-" "language" "sorry I mean get the little boy to stop being a misogynistic bastard." I mumble leaning back in the chair that I've sat in four times in the past ten months.

"We've been through this y/n, ignore him and move on." Mr Lively had become sick of my shit from the moment it started happening "Now this is the third time this year with Mr Wastaken (pretend thats his last name lol)" he scolds me, yeah i've beaten him up.

There was a knock at the door, Mr Lively and I turn towards the door to see Clay standing there with ice on his cheek. I roll my eyes irritated with his existence. "You wanted to see me." he says with a fat lip, I snicker at my artwork on his face. It's a shame that wasn't my next project otherwise it would make me a millionaire for all the Clay Haters.

"Yes, Sit down Clay." he says pointing at the chair next to me, I give Mr Lively a blank stare before moving my chair across the room "I fuc-" "Language" Mr Lively reminds me once more "I refuse to sit next to this dullard." I roll my eyes as does Clay.

"What seems to be the issues with you two?" he tries to mediate us or whatever the word is, i'm not going to budge.

Clay looks at me rolling his eyes "don't roll your eyes at me cracker, im the reason why you have an ice pack on your fat face." i snicker "y/n, not funny." Mr Lively scolds me once more before turning back to Clay.

I didn't seem to have an issue with him until 8th grade, when he started acting like the shit.

flashback to 8th grade

My legs were sore, being chased around the school by Clay and his goons aren't fun. Especially when he has a sharp object in his hand. I'm fucking petrified.

I run into the girls bathroom, praying they wouldn't run in but they did. "y/n" the little 14 year old clay yells "OH Y/N" he yells again, kicking the bathroom stall doors in one by one. I hadn't exactly noticed what he was holding except for the fact that it was shiny and sharp and that it was also in the hands of a manic.

He was in front of my door "i know you're in here" this feels like a fucking horror movie. 

Then again, I never thought in a million years that i'd be bullied by Clayton WasTaken. Nobody expected it from him.

He boots my door in an attempt to pry it open, the whole stall shakes as he kicks it again. His friends must be keeping an eye out. A tear rolls down my cheek and I slap my hand over my mouth trying not to let a sound come out.

Eventually the lock breaks and he takes a step in the toilet, seeing me perched up on the toilet crying he tosses the sharp object on the floor and punches me in the stomach really hard "fucking pathetic little loser". 

end of flashback

That was the first time I was ever bullied and punched. It was also the first time I was genuinely scared for my life it took a year or two of therapy to be able to think of that memory without crying. 

I just sat in silence, as did Clay. He knew why we were like this to each other. Why he bullies me and I return the favour. 

"Someone speak." my tongue rubs along the inside of my cheek "This therapy thing, Mr Lively with all do respect won't save the raging lunatic in that crazy bitch." Clay pipes up "Yeah you would know about me and therapy huh." I scoff to him, he immediately shuts up "look this isn't going to work. As a matter of fact it would most likely cause more problems." my arms go up in the air, standing up and preparing to leave the room.

"sit" Mr Lively demands, I listen and sit back down.

"You are both supposed to be suspended, actually expelled. You are both exceptional students hence the reason why you remain a student at this school or any school in Florida for that reason." he was right, Clay and I are smart students.

We always get above 90 percent in our tests, we do extracurricular activities and we also have supportive friends and family especially when it came to school. So naturally you would think that we get along but it's never been like that.

"i can't move you to seperate classes because you are both currently in the highest class academically that it would be an insult to your brains to move you out." Mr Lively brings his pen to his mouth, looking between Clay and I.

"boot him out." I say coldly, staring at Clay who was staring right back at me with the same cold eyes I was giving him.

Nothing but tension filled them room, his eyes locked on mine despite his mind being on the obvious pain in his face that I had caused. I chuckle to myself, "don't laugh Y/n, I'm sick of this. In fact, I'll let you know right now. The next three or so weeks wont be easy for you in your class." Mr Lively leans forward, my eyes shoot towards him immediately understanding what was going on.

"No fucking way." my jaw drops, photography class and the fucking project tomorrow.

Clay realised soon after removing the ice pack from his face "you can't put me with this psycho." he points to me "me? the psycho, need i remind you of the time i had to go to therapy because you scared the living daylights out of me for fun." I stand up, mentioning the first time i ever thought he was dead to me.

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