Staying With You

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Nothing happens.  The old hag did not get up to answer the door.  Luz gripped the doorknob unsteadily and turned it.  She stepped into the dark room, only to see Eda sitting depressed on the bed, King on her lap.  Suddenly Edda spoke in a hoarse voice, you could hear how much she was crying, "Raine, I told you to leave me alone. I have enough figurines for this."  She took the figurine and melted it in her hand.  Melted plastic fell on her untidy sheets, wet with tears.

"It's not Raine."  Eda didn't dare turn around, even though her voice had changed, she would know who it belonged to in the middle of the day and the night.

"You shouldn't have seen me like this. So much for a happy reunion."  Eda was still sitting on the bed, she just lowered her head.  Luz calmly walked over to Eda, and hugged her.

"Eda, I don't care what you look like, I'm here for you. You're the leader of our Bad Girl Coven after all."  Eda raised her head and looked into Luz's reddish-brown eyes.  Her golden ones literally scanned Luz's new look.

When she saw what Luz looked like, Eda felt guilty.  She missed her child growing up.  "Oh kiddo, I missed you."  And finally, Eda returned Luz's hug.  They sat still like that for a few minutes, and then King woke up too.  He was surprised to see an "unknown person" in the room.

"Weh?! How dare you hug with my Eda? You stupid stranger! I'm the King of demons, show some respect you peasant!"  He was trying to separate Eda from Luz, and Eda gave a sad smile.

"Are you really going to act like that after not seeing Luz for so many years?"  King let out another excited "weh?!"  and threw himself into Luz's arms.

"Hello, boo-boo buddy."

Finally, after a few minutes that felt more like hours, Luz, King and Eda came out of Eda's lair to see what the others were doing.  They found others at the table playing some game similar to Hexas Holdem.  Willow and Gus were examining the "strange" cards and trying to figure out how they were used.  The corner of Luz's lips curled up when she saw how happy the others were, even though this was a difficult time.

"Hey Luz! Come show us how these strange human games are played!"  Gus shouted excitedly.

"The King demands that this strange game be played!"  King yelled as he leaned against a stack of books that had titles like "Anatomy 101" and other titles that definitely didn't refer to high school material, meaning it belonged to either the Blight twins or Hunter who Luz hadn't seen yet.

Luz laughed deeply, to which Amity blushed.  Emira noticed Amity's face and gave Edric a weak push, showing him what was happening.  Edric smirked, he knew what was happening.  Amity, when she noticed her siblings antics, shook her head and mouthed them 'no', as if she knew what the twins were thinking.

The twins nodded slightly to each other.  Amity was really hesitating to flip the table over with magic now, when her phone rang, indicating that she had received a message.  She pulled out her phone but wasn't quite sure how to use it.  Luz then lightly pressed the screen's power button with her long fingers, not knowing what effect it had on Amity.

Amity took a breath and clicked on the notification on the screen, indicating that she had received a message from her brother.

TheMadED: looks like someone hasn't gotten over their crush, this is going to be interesting Ams ;)))

TheMightyMint: don't you dare do that Edric!

TheCoolEMst: I'll enjoy this!

TheMightyMint: I will kill you two!

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