Lord and Lady Malfoy

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It was a few days before yule break and the twins were somewhat hesitant to leave the castle in the hands of the headmaster. They didn't want to put such pressure on their uncle Severus or Aunt Minnie, who both announced that they would be remaining in the castle like every other year. Uncle Remus and Uncle Siri would be meeting Hadrian and Delila on the platform at King's cross before apparating to potter manor.

Delila had been rather overwhelmed the last few days, it wasn't unfamiliar to her but she knew the reason she was feeling such a way is that she hasn't let her magic out the way she used to before coming to Hogwarts. Both siblings had to find a way to release a portion of their magic, otherwise, it can overtake them and cause them to become severely ill. Hadrian uses duelling and martial arts to release energy whilst Delila tends to focus her magic on runes, creating new spells or looking after the animals that reside at the manor, but what helps her express herself during the outbursts is singing. Unfortunately, for them both, they aren't necessarily able to do so at the castle whilst Dumbledore is the headmaster. Despite knowing that we aren't on his side, he is none the wiser of our power and the plans we hold for the wizarding world. The last thing they need is Dumbledore breathing down their neck.

"Lila?" She snapped out of her thought when Hadrian appeared in front of her, his hands on her shoulders with a concerned expression. She try to conjure a real smile, but instead, it looked pained and tired.

"Oh, little sister. You need to go and let it out, I can't lose you again" He pleaded with tear-filled eyes. Truth be told, she wanted nothing more than to let the power out but that would mean the headmaster will witness the power that she and her twin holds, she wasn't sure if that was a good idea.

"Hadrian, he will see" Her voice was raspy and she grimaced from the dry and sore throat. Her brother's worry increased as he observed her glowing red cheeks and drops of sweat that's on her forehead.

"We will deal with it, but you're more important than keeping our secret. Now go!" He demanded, making his twin sigh before nodding. She shakily raised from her spot at the Slytherin table and slowly made her way outside. Hadrian watched his sister leave before running to the staff table with panicked eyes.

"I need you four with me, now" He demanded his godparents, who were halfway through their lunch.

"My boy-"

"Not now, Dumbles! This is a family matter" His booming voice caused those around him to jump, not once had they heard his voice so cold and threatening before. This worried the four professors at the table, along with those who care deeply for the twins.

"Okay, lead the way, pup," Sirius said softly with a worried frown. Hadrian nodded and they all ran outside, not noticing that half the school was following them outside into the cold air. They all made their way across Hogwarts land and towards the forbidden forest, and that's where they found Delila Potter-Black, pacing back and forth as she muttered to herself.

"What's going on?" Uncle Remus questioned as he attempted to walk towards the frantic girl, though he was held back by Hadrian, who shook his head with a warning glare.

"Don't, it's not safe. I need you all to put the most powerful protection spells around her as you can. Perhaps make a bubble so nothing around her gets damaged" The students were all whispering whilst the Slytherins and the twin friends were standing to the side, all worried about their friend.

"Matteo, do you know what's wrong with her?" Blaise questioned his friend with a frown, seeing Matteo clearly lost in thought.

"I'm not sure but I do have an assumption-"

"Well, what is it?" Blaise was feeling extremely worried for the girl who has wormed into his heart. He had always been known as a player, he never thought about settling down or falling in love, but then Delila appeared and all that went out of the window. He knew she wouldn't just pick him, she wasn't the type of girl that one man could handle, but she was also not the type of girl that would ever be unloyal to those to who she gave her love to.

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