chapter 2.

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When I exited the limo I had girls right in my face. I glare at the girls and continue walking forward. When Yui got out of the limo the girls instantly started talking shit about her.

"That's my sister so give her a chance why don't you." I snear at the girls.
"Not a big fan of girls are you Rin?" Asks Kanato.
"More like I find fangirls repealing." I answer.
"Especially when they get all up in your grill." I added.
"Tch..." Subaru scoffs.
"I don't see you enjoying their presence either Subaru." I spat.
"Stop diddle-daddling and get to class." Snapped Reiji.
"Who am I going to class with anyway?" I ask.
"Yui; you have classes with Ayato, Liato, and kanato. Rin; you have classes with Shu and me." Reiji said.

I watch as Ayato drags Yui off to who knows where; while Subaru scoffs and goes to his class. I follow Shu to class and see its algebra first. 'This will be too easy.' Thought to myself. About an hour later I was walking to my next class and saw a group of fan girls surrounding a blond.

"One at a time ladies." Said the blond; it was a voice I oddly recognized.

It was Kou Mukami.

"Heck no not my ex. Not today." I mumble, turning around and going the other way.
"I'll take the long way to class." I say.
"Hello my kitten." Kou whispers in my ear; I shiver.
"I'm not yours Kou and I haven't been for a few years now." I snap grabbing his hand and twisting his wrist.
"Kitten don't act like this remember all the good times we had." Kou says with his happy go lucky facade.
"Kou those memories you want me to remember were like nightmares I'd rather throw up than think about them." I say calmly as possible.
"Now good bye Kou I'm already late to class." I say letting go of his wrist and storm off to class which was music.

"Mr. Tysukima you're late." Said the music teacher.

I quietly take a seat by the window right next to a beautiful violin. I hum a bit trying to get my mind off the encounter with my ex boyfriend Kou Mukami. It became difficult to do. Most of my memories with Kou were good ones that was until he got mad at me for not letting him feed off me now and then. At the time I was still living at the church and I couldn't let him. But it got violent. He'd started to hurt me and I fought back. It took me having to go to the hospital for him to understand that he went to far. A small part of me still loves him but not nearly enough that I'd ever go running back to him.

"Rin... Rin!!" Repeated Shu.
"Oh um sorry; I got lost in thought" I apologize.
"Class is over its lunchtime." Shu said; I immediately got the hint.

I looked around the class room it was empty other than the two of us. I sigh and readjust the collar of my uniform. I look at Shu and then at the door way.

"Be quick and I need to be able to go to classes." I say bluntly.
"Mmm." He hums; before leaning in and licking my neck.

I freeze at the action before quickly forcing myself to relax as Shu sinks his fangs into my neck. He was more gentle compared to Liato, or Kou. Laito was a bit rough with me but not so much that it would hurt. Unlike with Kou where it hurt all the way through him feeding.

"Rin." Shu said softly.

I jump not realize that he had been done feeding. I was exhausted at this point and I think Shu could tell because he pulls me closer to him.

"Shu what are you doing?" I ask a bit tensely.
He gave me a stern look and said,"Rest."
"I'm just a bit on edge. I don't need to rest." I say climb out of Shu's lap; only to be pulled back into his lap.
"Rest." Shu repeats.
"..." I sigh and look down at my hands; before I give in and close my eyes.

I don't know how long I was out for but I wake to fangirls squealing in my ears.

I groan,"Too loud."

I hid my face and open my eyes. I was in Shu's arms. Loading... Loading... I am in Shu's arms! I twist and stagger out of his arms onto my feet. The classes for the night were over. I climb into the limo and got into a corner seat.

"Reiji before you say anything. I had no intention of skipping classes." I say begrudgingly.
"Well don't do it again. Expect a punishment for this deplorable behaviour." Reiji scowled
"Where's Yui and Ayato?" I ask.
"At the manner." Reiji stated.
"Wow I guess my sister really can't keep her legs shut." I say sarcasticly.
"Fufu you just called your sister a slut." Laito chuckled.
"Yeah but ain't far from the truth I mean have you seen her lack of respect for personal space." I add.
"I'm getting the feeling that you hate your sister." Noted Reiji.
"Not entirely wrong. However I'd still stop her from jumping off a cliff." I say truthfully.
"I don't like her annoying voice or attitudes but she's still my sister." I state.
"Raven-kun make me something sweet." Kanato orders.
"I can try when we are back at the manner though I'm terrible at baking." I reply.

The rest of the ride was silent eerily so but not as terrifying as the memories of my past going through my head. I had been so lost in thought I didn't even register that we were back at the manner. Until Kanato started pitching a fit. I climbed out of the limo and went inside. Then up to my room and quickly changed into a black fishnet long sleeve shirt along with a red croptop, a pare of black skinny jeans, with chain decorations on the belt loops, and a pare of red converse shoes. I put my hair up in a particular bun with a hair pin, and finished the look of with black fishnet fingerless gloves. I could hear Kanato getting impatient so I quickly made my way back downstairs.

"Kanato can you show me where the kitchen is?" I ask.
"I don't want that anymore I want a taste and Teddy agrees." Kanato said.

I sigh and quickly went searching for the kitchen. It took five tries before I got to the right door and that includes having a cranky vampire on my tail the whole time. I quickly got the ingredients for cookies out and got the oven started. All while dodging Kanato several times.

"I'm making cookies so either sit your fannie down or leave the kitchen." I snap.

This made Kanato freeze for a second, but shortly after he sat on the chair by the pantry door. I sigh and got to mixing the chocolate chips, brown sugar, flour, and regular granulated sugar together. Then mixing the vanilla extract, butter and milk together; before mixing the two sets of ingredients together. When I finished mixing the ingredients the oven went off letting me know it was done preheating. I quickly got the cookies on the cookie sheets  and put them in the oven. Before handing the left over edible cookie dou to Kanato.

"Try some of the cookie dou. I made sure not to use eggs so its edible to eat." I say as I get a cranberry juice box out of the fridge and golf it down.
"It's sweet." Kanato said smiling.
"It's the only thing I'm able to bake without burning them." I say truthfully; while putting the ingredients away and taking care of the dishes I used.

I decided to hum in the meantime while waiting on the cookies. It has been about five minutes already so it's about ten minutes left before taking them out to cool. Kanato had just finished the cookie dou when the oven went off telling me to take the cookies out. I take them out and set them on the counter.

"Now they need to cool down for about ten minutes before you eat them." I say sternly knowing he'll be impatient about it.
"Then can I have a taste of you?" He asks.
"That sounded wrong on so many levels." I say.
"And I already know you won't take no for an answer." I add.
"So I win." Kanato said cutely.
"I suppose." I say softly; then sit down on the chair Kanato so graciously got out of.

Kanato roughly pushes me against the chair and chokes me abit; before kissing me. I open my eyes wide with shock; as he pulls away and bites my neck in a harsh manner.
I groan at the painful intrusion in my neck.

"Too rough... Hurts.." I say gritting my teeth.

Much to my surprise Kanato soften the force of his bite. I sigh and start to lean into him to stay upright. As my exhaustion really starts to hit me hard.

"Too much..." I say as I drift off to sleep.

Yui's Bad Boy Brother. (Work In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now