chapter 4.

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I sit back up about to leave and go to my room, but Shu grabs my waist. I tense up briefly before relaxing in his hold. I feel his lips caress my neck before his fangs sink in deep. Although Shu was being gentle it hurt alot, so much so I almost passed out from the pain. Only for Shu to pull away and surprise me with a kiss which mellowed me out. So he could continue to feed on my blood from lower on my neck which didn't hurt much. But at the same time he was lightly sliding his fingers over where he bit previously pulling a purr out of me.

"So lewd." Shu whispers.
"Hmm..." I hum.

Shu chuckles, and hums as I fall asleep on him. When I woke I was in my bed. I grab my phone off the nightstand and look at the time; everyone should be at night school. I look around my room feeling a familiar presence.

"Karl stop hiding." I say calmly.
"You've always been able to tell when I'm here; when others could not." Karlheinz aka, Tougo Sakamaki said.
"Really not that hard." I admit.
"So how have my sons been treating you?" Tougo asks amused.
"Stop acting like you don't know. Also I hope Kino Sakamaki, or the Mukamis haven't been giving you a hard time." I redirect his question.
"Kino is as troublesome as ever, and the Mukamis have been well behaved." Tougo stated.
"Now if we are done beating around the bush. We both know what you are really here for." I say bluntly.

Tougo with his beautiful curly long white hair and golden eyes; continued to walk out of the shadows and took a seat next to me on my bed.

"You don't need to hide your wings anymore darling." Tougo said softly, as he grazed his fingers over my neck where his mark lay invisible to the eye.
"Karl please we've talked about this I can't let them know about what I am." I say taking his hand in my own.
"I can't let anyone else know not after my parents, and not after Yuuya." I say biting back my tears.
"Yuuharu it's time." He said and he sank his fangs into my neck making me gasp.

I whimper softly; leaning all my weight onto Karl. I don't know when my wings came out but Karlheinz pat my black feathered wings gently; before I passed out. I wake up surrounded by the brothers.

"What's going on?" I ask thats when I felt a hand touch one of my wings.
"Ahh!" I gasp.
"We need an explanation." Reiji says sternly.

I force my wings away, avoiding eye contact, and sigh. I quietly curse Karl under my breathe; before I spoke.

"I'm a sylph." I say quickly.
"A what?" Asks Ayato.
"A sylph; more specifically a winged elf, or Fae." Stated Reiji.
"Sort of." I answer.

I go to climb out of bed only to have Ayato pull me back down. He looked annoyed almost angry; while staring at my neck. I reach up and feel the bite on my neck.

"Fiddle sticks." I groan.
"Why is "His" mark on you?" Growled Kanato.
"Long story. And frankly I'm not required to tell my life story or how I know your father." I spat.

Never mind having spent three years living with him and Kino from age twelve to fifteen. Or how he claimed me as his so called pet when I was eighteen. Then him being there to stop Kou from killing me when I broke up with him. Finally that time my friend Yuuya died and he payed for the whole bands hospital bill.

"Don't try feeding off me because my room is a safe space remember." I spat,"Now do me a favor and leave while I have to face my trauma again!"

They all left except Ayato who sat on my bed hold my wrist tightly. I growl at him and go to punch him but he grabs my hand and pin me to my bed. And seeing as my strength was currently drained from being fed on to many times within the past fortyeight hours; I was well stuck.

"Get the hell off me!" I yell, kneeing him in the crotch.
"You bastard." Ayato spat grabbing his balls and falling to the side.
"Yeah well I said to Leave me alone." I retort, climbing out of bed and putting on a tank top, torn pare of lose jeans, my knee length coat, and my combat boots.

I caught a glimps at my purple eyes and my messy hair; which I fixed up, my hair into a tight high pony. Then I went to my nightstand grabbing my phone, pocket knife, and Yuuya's rosary. I glare at Ayato who was staring at me.

"Who is Yuuharu?" He asks.
I turn, look at him, and angrily say, "Never say that name."
"Who is Yuuharu?" He asks again.
"Yuuharu Rin Lee Tysukima." I began,"now I'll leave it up to you to figure out what that means."

I then left my room and went out the doors to the limo outside and got in. The limo took off the instant I sat in my seat.

"Drive around for a few hours I don't care where to." I say.

I lay back into the seat and closed my eyes. The limo smelt of Karlheinz which tells me he planned this. 'damn it Tougo you conniving prick.' I grumble to myself. I sigh and listen to my band's old music my favorite one being 'Take Me To The Havens' it was a song about wanting an escape from the pain and abuse. I wrote it while I was with Kou but it also had to do with the abuse the church had done to me for six years of my life. I was five when Father Seiji Komori took me in the day my Mother and father were killed protecting me.
The last song we wrote as a band was called 'Send Me To The Fire' it was a rendition of the pain we all felt when Yuuya died. It was the last thing we wrote together.

"Send me... Send me... Send me to the Fire!" I sang as I felt like I was drowning in my memories.

The reminder I can't keep pretending that I'm okay because I'm numb. Yuuya is dead, Daisuke, Saitoro, Takoma, and Karuto left the band. I lost everything that ment something to me. And I'm expected to tell them everything. Thats easier said than done.

"What do you want?" I ask, Karl.
"I already hate myself right now." I say honestly.
"You should know my sons are going to want you more now." He said.
"Yeah well I'd prefer to be alone seeing as the man I loved is long gone. Honestly why provoke them?" I ask annoyed.
"Because your mine~." Karl says seductively and smirks.
"Yeah well that would have be appropriate when I had been younger because sylphs mature at fifteen making me an adult sylph for five years. But now I've been looking for my mate it's not appropriate. I may be your "pet" but that is all I will be." I retort.
"Now now what of the deal you made four years ago." Tougo asks sneakily.
"You had to bring that up," I sigh.
"Good, now come here." He orders.
I get up and sit on his lap,"I don't get why you brought that up now."
"You can use this as an excuse for not answering there question." He mused.

I sigh and slip my coat out of the way. Karl then grasps my waist tightly and harshly bites into my neck. I had bit back a moan; as he drank my blood fast. I grasped his hair tightly as my vision started to spot with dark shadows. But just as I was about to pass out Karl bit his lip and kissed me letting his blood fall into my mouth. I started gulping it down before my vision went black.

Yui's Bad Boy Brother. (Work In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now