Chapter 9.

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Reiji sits down on the edge of my bed looking annoyed.

"This will not be made a habit." Reiji states sounding rather uncertain of himself.

"Reiji... I..." I began to say, before I was cut off by Kanato barging into the room.

"Doll has fainted again. Can you play with me Raven-kun?" He asked clearly ignoring the disheveled state of my clothes, and hair along with Rei sitting next to me.

I sigh knowing I can't ignore Kanato's reguest without upsetting him. I sat up and fix my clothes quickly. All while ignoring my own dizziness. Just as I was about to stand Reiji put his still ungloved hand on my shoulder keeping me from standing.

"You need to rest and it looks like I'll have to stay in here to make sure you do so. Kanato go ask Ayato to play with you." Reiji said; which oddly enough sounded like he was trying to find an excuse to stay in here with me.

"Raven-kun will have to play with me next time." Kanato said angrily before leaving the room slamming the door behind him.

"If I remember correctly I believe I've been giving you too much leeway with you behavior I shall be punishing you after school tomorrow. So you better get some rest. " Reiji sternly spoke.

I lay back down, close my eyes, and we met with the sound of a soft humming. If only Reiji knew how calming he can be unintentionally. It wasn't long after that I began falling asleep. I was met with nightmares, this tight strangling feeling and stabbing pains. Followed by that women's Voice.

Then I was woken up. I found myself in my room again but I was surrounded by the brothers. I look around and found that I had fallen out of bed and had managed to get tangled in the blankets. That explains why I couldn't move but why are the brothers here? I when to speak but my throat felt raw. Well crap!

"Sorry." I say with a raspy voice, as I try my luck with the blankets.

It was then that Subaru helped me out of the blankets. I immediately stood up and started fixing my bed. Today was the same day that women cursed me. At least thats how I saw it. That women used to walk the halls of this manner.

"Care to explain the screaming?" Spat Ayato who was clearly annoyied.

"Nightmare." I replied as a bat flew in through the window and clung its self on my tanktop.

This was one of Karl's bats named Silver. It was ironic that Silver was more attentive to my panic attacks than I was but I was certain that Silver had been lost back during the fire. I was barely holding back my tears. Until I heard Yui scream. Which stole the attention of all the brothers. Not even a moment later had Richter come into my room.

"You know what to do right?" He asked.

"I have no intentions of getting involved in this." I spat.

"Rin know that your blood is the key to project that Karl is so fond of why stay with him?" Richter inquiries.

"You'd be using me just as much as he does. But at least He's never tortured me into a contract. " I spat, silver eeked.

"Maybe talking to her would help you." He spoke before disappearing.

I look around my room for my phone. I dug into my closet, dresser, and bedside table. Oh the snarky bastard took my only coping mechanism. I punch my wall leaving a fist shape indent in the drywall. Walk out to the balcony outside my room and slam the door shut in frustration.

"Silver go tell Tougo that his Bastard of a brother stole my phone." I order; with that the bat quickly flew off.

"Darling bird come on it's time we have fun." The chivalrous voice of none other than Cordelia.

The woman's voice alone sent shivers down my spine in an unpleasant manner. I wanted nothing more than to never hear nor see this women even as a roaming spirit. It was obvious that she's gotten stronger since Yui and I got here. But what was worse was that she knew how to use that strength.
It showed by how she had me frozen where I stood by just shear words she had spoken. She was like a siren; using her voice to mesmerize you. It didn't matter if you wanted to walk away or run; you couldn't.

"Leave me alone! I'm not yours to control." I spat.

"Come here little bird." The nasty woman cooed and even with my resistance my feet still carried me closer to her.
"Good bird now sing." She sang with malice in her voice as she choked me.

I woke to being in a room with purple drapes. This was Cordelia's old room. I quickly stood up and looked around. The window was my only exit well crap. It was midnight as well which meant that the brothers would be at school with Yui. I have no choice but to jump out a third story window. I open the window and prepare to jump.

"This is bound to go poorly." I mumble to myself, "1... 2... 3..."

I jumped out the window, narrowly avoiding the roses as I land on the ground in a forward roll.

"Ouch." I say as I slowly stand up.

"When Silver came to me telling me your phone had been stolen I wasn't expecting to see you jump out of the manner at the sight of me." Karl said sarcasticly.

"Very funny Tougo. We both know that truth of the matter so quit with the narcissism." I retort not really in the mood for jokes.

Karl appears behind me, covering my eyes, and drops something in my coat pocket; before sinking his fangs into my neck. He then quickly retracts his fangs and kisses the bite mark he left behind. I sigh before opening my eyes and see Silver flapping his cute little wings infront of me on Karl's hand.

"Now care to tell me why you had to jump out of a window and out of that wench's room no less." Karl inquires, as he holds me close.

"Don't Act like you don't know what goes on in your own estate. Also I have no clue how I ended up in THAT room. Also you know damn well THAT room was sealed shut years ago by your sons. So jumping was the only way out." I snap clearly irritated; pulling away from him to look him in the face.

Karl sighs, pulling me close, and nuzzles my neck. I sigh and take Silver from his hand and hold the little bat close.

"I just wanted to hear your side of things  Yuuharu." Karl coos coaxing my wings out.

"Tougo please your sons aren't going to give me a break if your scent is all over me again. I already have to deal with constant coddling from them since the incident I don't need them being jealous on top of that." I inform.

"So have you chosen a mate yet?" Karl Heinz asks.

"It doesn't work like that I don't pick them; my instincts do." I reply.
"Besides I need some rest after endless nightmares." I insist.

"Fine now lets get you to your room." Karl says teleporting us to my room.

"Tougo this isn't what I meant." I say as I'm stuck under Karl on top of my bed.

He chuckles and gets up off me before disappearing. Damn it he got my wings out again and I'm too tired to put them away right now. I close my eyes and gently cuddle Silver the bat.

Yui's Bad Boy Brother. (Work In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now