Chapter 1

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I hear them teleport back into the room. I open my eyes and look at them.

"So what is it you wanted to tell me Reiji?" I ask.
"We have night school in four hours." Reiji said.
"Okay. What else?" I ask.
"Your room is next to Liato's." He answered.
"Alright. Now as for you guys being vampires I'd assume that I'm your prey." I said bluntly.
"Yes." Said Reiji.
"Well no point in stalling the inevitable." I sigh.
"Reiji I have a few requests." I say.
"What are they?" Asks Reiji.
"My first request is that My bedroom is my safe space unless in cases of absolute emergency, and I'm aloud to keep my phone." I answer.
"Fine." Reiji says.
"Wait! Did you seriously just agree with mystery kun's requests?" Asked Ayato in disbelief.
"Fu fu~ well it looks like we'll have some fun. Fu fu~" Laito said amused.

"My last request is that someone shows me to my room." I say.

"Fine lets make this quick then." Reiji said sounding kind of amused.

Reiji leads me out of the large livingroom, back down the hall, through the guest hall, and up the staircase to the left. He stopped infront of a door on the left side of the hall exactly three doors down the hall from the stairs. I enter the room to find a school uniform and my bag on the bed. I chuckle seeing this. I guess having a vibrating cockring in your bag is enough to stop someone looking through your stuff. Not that I have ever used it but it sure is affective.

"I'll have to talk with the butler on not taking care of that." Reiji said annoyed.
"There's no need." I say taking care of my stuff quickly and then putting the cockring in the drawer.
"You'd be shocked at how good having one lewd item in you bag is to keep others from touching your crap." I said as I quickly put my pocket knife in my pocket.

Reiji quickly left after that; So I started taking a look at the school uniform. It was pretty basic for a uniform with its black over coat, button up blouse, a tan yellow sweater vest, red neck tie, black slacks, black leather converse, and annoyingly tight fit belts. I sigh, setting it aside, and taking a look around the relatively bland bedroom.
The walls are a dull slate grey with onyx rose design in the corners, the floors are a grey green willow color, and looked as though they creak easily. The room had a closet that seemed to be big enough to be used as a small bedroom as opposed to storing clothes. The bed sat in the center of the room against a wall; the bed was a four poster bed with crimson drapes and throw. The room had a few windows with red curtains; while the room was bland in looks it seem to fit a goth vibe. Which didn't bother me much; although it's a shame the room didn't have a bathroom attached.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time before putting it back in my pocket; three more hours till night school, I sigh.
I look back at the school uniform casually sitting on my bed and sigh with disgust. Uniforms weren't particularly something I enjoyed wearing by any means. I leave the room and head down the hall back to the stair case. I over heard squealing father down the hall straight ahead and cringe.

"Augh she's so annoying." I groan, as I hear someone's feet land on the floor behind me.
"That she is." Agreed Subaru.

I turn around and look at the white haired male with gorgeous rose red eyes. Now that he stood close I could tell that he smelled strongly of roses.

"You guys have a rose garden?" I ask.
Subaru looked shocked; then said with annoyance,"Yeah."
"Roses are..." I began being cut off by Liato.
"Fu fu~ you finally came out of your room." Laito whispered into my ear; making me shiver.
"You're impatient." I say deadpan.
"Tch annoying." Subaru said teleporting away.

Yui's Bad Boy Brother. (Work In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now