Chapter 12.

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When I woke I was shirtless in Tougo Sakamaki's bed by the smell of it. I slowly sit up grumbling to myself. Why now? Why now of all times did I have to start showing signs of needing to choose a mate? I huff. I should have at least a month or two left so why now?

"Thats enough of that Yuuharu darling. No need to tear open your beautiful arms." Said Karl, which caused me to look at my now bleeding arms.

"Ah snap. Sorry." I mumble.

"You sure are timid tonight." Karl points out as he starts tending to my arms.

"Don't get used to it Tougo." I huff, refusing to look at Karl in the eyes and sniff the air.
"I could have swore we were in your room but it looks nothing like it." I state.

"This is indeed one of my rooms but not the one I usually take you to. Unfortunately I had to remodel my room after a certain one of my sons had a temper tantrum. I presume darling you know why." Karl said darkly, thus making me shutter; before I send a glare his way.

"It depends on whether I was the one they were frustrated with. It could be Ayato but he was subdued by a bit of his own medicine. So probably not him. Shu left my room jealously however he is typically on the calmer side and I'm likely to be on the foul end of that later in the form of him sleeping in my bed again. Liato might be looking for me right now but not angrily. Subaru is too tsundere to have figured out his feelings so it could be him but I doubt it. Reiji is less likely to destroy a room than he is to discipline. Which would leave Kanato." I rant.
"I forgot to meet Kanato to go to that bitch's grave. However that also means he took Yui and Crap." I huff.

"I thought for sure you'd have guessed it already but no." Karl breathed onto my ear.

"Please don't do that." I plead.
"My last guess would be Kou, but I know you wouldn't let him know where I'm staying. It's definitely not Ruki, Azusa, or Yuma. And it can't be Kino because frankly he hasn't been mad at me since the first time we fought each other. Which again leave me inclined to say Kanato." I say annoyed.

Karl chuckled and pulled me into his arms. Wait was he trying to distract me from my situation? I push Karl away from me and look into his eyes searching for an answer. He looked troubled but also like he already found the solution. So what was stressing him out so much that he didn't want me thinking about me having to make a choice with in two months?

"Tougo what are you hiding?" I ask.

"Yuuharu stop worrying for now and relax you need to rest." Karl said softly.

"No! You can't keep brushing me off. I've been far to patient to hear your answer. I know I'm nothing more than a bout of entertainment for you! I have been since the day you entered that God forsaken church. You saved me from abuse because you knew I'd be entertaining to you. I'm a sylph the embodiment of beauty and desire. Yet you look at me like I'm a pet. I still have feelings Tougo!!" I shout as tears cover my face.
"But what do you care as long as I dont find my mate in any of your son's or anyone else besides you. Then I'm your toy till I die... "I said the last part quietly, and wrap my wings around myself.

"You're more than that to me Yuuharu." Karl began as he went to touch me.

"KARL! Don't." I snap and stand up grabbing my jacket and shirt from the bedside table then put them back on.

I walk out of his room and down the hall this is his other house. The brothers are gonna be so ticked. I walk faster bumping into Kino as I whip around the corner.

" Woah take it easy and slow down Yuu. Take a moment and breathe." Kino coes.

"Ki please I have to be going it's going to take all day to get back to the manner. And I have a very angry vampire waiting for me and I'm being chanced by Karl. I really font have time to chat." I rant.

"Still calling my stupid nickname huh?" Kino asks rhetorically.

"Now is not the time for this Ki." I say as I try to push past him.

"Now I remember years ago before you left saying you'd always have the time for me." Kino teased as he held my waist.

"I was sick and heartbroken that doesn't count. Besides we both know you only wanted my blood back then you probably still do Ki." I say remorsefully.

Kino didn't give an answer he just continued hold me. His hold getting a bit tighter when Karl came around the corner. I regret saying something so harsh but it's not like what I said wasn't true or at least not all of it. It's true I had been sick and heartbroken; my first crush loved someone else and it hurt.
At that same time I was ill, and my health hadn't been improving; which it hadn't until a few months after. What wasn't true was that I hadn't meant that I'd have time for Kino. He meant quite alot to me but it probably was different to him . He had fallen for me while I hadn't for him or at least I didn't think so.
However over time I started to like him more and even now I want to be more to him but I need to find my mate. Though I'm starting to think he had died in that fire four months ago Yuuya Harutora. Though I can't give up my search yet not when it means that all I'll be is Karl's pet.

"Ki let me go please. I'll make time for you later." I say softly.

"Yuuharu come on we can talk about this." Started Tougo.

"We already spoke and you made it quite clear you have plans for me that you have no intention on letting me in on. Nevermind the fact that I'm only a play thing to you. I have no intention of being a Toy for anyone. I wasn't going to allow it with Kou And I won't with you either. I'm living and have feelings so instead of toying with me try asking how you'd feel if someone did the same to you!!" I snap and pull out of Kino's arms.

"Yuuharu..." Karl starts.

"Don't!," I snap, "You need to take time and think about this seriously especially if I don't find my mate. Even then I don't plan to let you toy with me for your own amusement. If you can't manage to understand that then you'll find that living with me will be no different than it was with Christa."

I quickly walk past Kino and head down the twisting halls to the mansions entrance hall. I make my way out the door and climb into the limo that had just pulled in; probably for Tougo but that doesn't matter now.

"Take me back to the manner where Tougo's six sons live." I order the driver.

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