Nine. you never called it what it was

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IX. you never called it what it was


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AUGUST, 2018

      Bridger was in bed when he heard a knock at his window. He grabbed his phone and checked the time.  10:00. His dad wasn't home. He got up from his bed and walked over to his window and pulled back the curtains, meeting a pair of bright blue eyes. He went to smile until he saw the blood and bruises that covered JJ's face. He opened the window quickly. "JJ? What happened?" He frantically asked.

JJ's lip was split and covered in blood and his left eye was dark and black. "I've looked better, huh?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

Bridger rolled his eyes and pulled him inside. "Was it your dad again?" He asked, already knowing that answer.

"Do you even have to ask?" JJ tried to joke.

He gave him a stern look.

He stopped laughing. "Yeah. He, uh, got drunk with some of his buddies and came home. . ."

Bridger frowned and motioned his head to the bed.  "Set down." He ordered.

The blonde flopped down on the comfortable bed and Bridger walked into his bathroom to look for the first aid kit. He grabbed it from the top cabinet and walked back into his room. JJ was lying on his back with his arms spread out. "Comfortable?" He chuckled.

"Always am." He answered with a smirk.

Bridger rolled his eyes. "Sit up," he ordered again.

"Yes sir," JJ obyed and sat up with another cheeky smile.

Bridger sat beside him on the bed and started cleaning the blood from his face. "I don't understand, J. You know you can always stay here with me,"

He shook his head. "No. That's, uh. . . your dad would find out."

"I don't give a fuck," Bridger objected. "I care about you being safe."

JJ smiled against the cotton ball he was dabbing on his lip. "You don't have to worry about me, B. I have it handled."

Bridger stopped his mending and leaned closer to his face. "You've been coming up here every night for the past three days with your face in the exact same condition. What does your back look like?"


"Show me. Now." He demanded.

JJ smirked and pointed between them. "You know, I can totally get down with this demanding thing—"


"Okay, okay." JJ sighed in defeat. He stood up from the bed and hesitantly took off his T shirt. His tan back was covered in purple and greenish bruises, some old and some new. Bright red spots littered his skin along with deep red scratches which Bridger assumed were from his dad's rings. 

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