Twelve. like nobody's watching

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XII. like nobody's watching

      Bridger stood in the middle of the valley of the dolls

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Bridger stood in the middle of the valley of the dolls. They wore doll clothing and plastic shoes with their hair styled to look picture perfect. Like they wanted to be on the cover of a magazine. He felt like a hypocrite because he was one of them. He was a rich boy. A Kook. A Fitzgerald. He checked every mark on the list of what a Kook was. So why did he feel so out of place?

He walked behind his father as the man greeted everyone. "Hi, how are you . . . It's good to see you." Dawson greeted his peers.

Bridger wanted to tell everyone that he was putting on an act. That he wasn't actually like this. But who would believe him? Dawson Fitzgerald was just like them. He smiled at the people who greeted him as they walked by.

"Ahh, there he is!" Topper shouted in the crowd, spotting his friend.

Bridger walked away from his dad and to his friends.  Topper and Kelce greeted him with their bro handshakes. "Hey guys," he greeted.

"Whoa, dude, what happened to you?" Kelce asked after seeing the bruises.

"You get into a fight or something?" Topper questioned.

"Or something." Bridger laughed dismissively. He looked around them. "God,  I feel like I'm in the middle of the 90210."

"But with free beer." Topper added.

"That's the only good thing, I guess."

"Where's Inez?" Kelce asked.

Bridger's face dropped slightly. "Oh, um. . . Nez and I uh, we're not together anymore."

Both of their eyes widened. "WHAT?"

"Shh!" He hushed them quickly.

"Dude, what happened?" Kelce asked him.

"Some things. We're on good terms. We're friends."

"A-Are you okay?" Topper asked, still in shock.

"I'm great." Bridger nodded with an unconvincing smile. "I'm gonna go walk around for a while."

They watched as he walked away and glanced at each other, still confused.

The sun was settling and created a soft glow. The music played loudly in the background and there were people dancing and drinking. Bridger had been to dozens of parties like this but he hated being here. He wanted to go home. Go anywhere but here.

He saw Pope and Kiara standing by the grill and observing everyone. He suddenly felt awkward and he wondered if he should talk to them. He knew he and Pope were somewhat okay but Kiara. . . she hated him. It was as pure as that. She had a right to. Bridger slowly made his way up to them. "Hey."

Kiara's happy expression fell. Pope was shocked that he was actually talking to them. "Hey, Bridger."

"You're actually talking to us?" Kiara asked him bitterly.

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