20 - Cold

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"You're supposed to be sleeping, angel," Hyunjin said, brushing Felix's hair out of his eyes.

"I had to see you guys make up" Felix yawned. He couldn't stand fights in his friend groups, and believed that communication was the best way to solve these issues. Jisung was the type to ignore it until it went away, but there was no way Felix was going to let that slide.

Jisung looked fondly at Felix, before standing up. "Goodnight, lovebirds"

Hyunjin waved lazily and it seemed like Felix had already passed out. Minho had already gone home a few hours ago, so Jisung assumed that Felix would be staying the night.

Jisung went into his room and sat at his desk, his mind too scrambled to get any sleep. Chan and Changbin had come home from the gym a while ago, and Jisung knew they would both be up working as well.

He looked down at the lyrics that Minho had read earlier and tried to look at them through his eyes. He clicked the pen he was fidgeting with it between his fingers. He tapped a slow rhythm with his foot as a melody came to his mind. He hummed as he scribbled down the next verse, then the next one, then a bridge came to mind. He shook his mouse to turn his computer and quickly opened up his producing software before the background music was forgotten.

Jisung didn't look up from his work until the sun started to spill in from the crack in his curtains.

"Shit" He whispered under his breath as he took off his headphones. At least he was nearly finished with the song. There was just one thing missing.

Jisung thought his voice fit most of the song, but the bridge could use a fresh perspective. His first stop was Chan and Changbin, who usually knew just what to put into a song to perfect it.

He opened the door without knocking to find Chan and Changbin still laying down on their shared bed, Changbin's arm wrapped around Chan's waist as they were slotted into a spooning position.


"Jisung?" Chan asked, rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I wrote a song," Jisung announced. "I need your help finishing it.

"That's great, but can we do that when it's not 7 in the morning?" Chan asked. Changbin had started to stir, but wasn't fully awake.

"What's going on, babe?" Changbin asked in a voice that Jisung could barely hear.

Chan did his best to not to react to the affectionate name. "Changbin, Jisung is here"

"Oh" Changbin sat up, looking a little flustered. "Why are you here?"

Jisung looked between the two of them suspiciously. "Just... come to my room when you guys are more awake"

Chan nodded and Jisung shut the door slowly.

Interesting. Pet names? Cuddling?

Jisung wasn't one to speculate, but he was starting to suspect that there was a possibility his roommates were dating. But why wouldn't they tell him? That was an issue for later, right now he had a song to focus on.

He rolled his shoulder as he looked down at his work, feeling tense from leaning down to look at the paper all night. His hand was cramping from the amount of writing and typing he had down, and for the first time today he realized how hungry he was. He had completely forgotten to eat after Minho came over.

He went out to the living, where both Hyunjin and Felix were still sleeping on the couch. Jisung sighed, he hated being the only one up. It didn't take long for him to become restless. He went back into his room, changed into jeans and one of the many half-clean hoodies on his chair, and stepped outside.

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