21 - Boyfriend

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"There's tea in the top cabinet"

"Perfect, I'll make that, you go sit down," Jisung said, turning to get to the cabinet that Minho had pointed out.

"Ok," Minho responded quietly as he curled up on the couch with a blanket. His mind was spinning so fast he could hardly keep up with it. How was it possible that someone so perfect just walked into his life? What had he done to deserve him?

"Um, Minho?"

"Yes, jagi?" Minho asked, still in a love-struck state.

"I can't reach your cabinet..." He admitted. Minho turned around to find Jisung on his tip-toes, reaching up to the handle that was slightly too high for him to reach. Two mugs were already set out on the table, one of them had an M painted on it, the other Minho recognized as Jeongin's favorite mug.

Minho laughed as he got up to help Jisung. "I forgot that you're shorter than Felix"

"Whatever" Jisung grumbled as Minho handed him a few tea boxes to choose from.

"Adorable," Minho said under his breath as he kissed the top of Jisung's head and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You're gonna have to let me go if you want tea" Jisung smiled as he leaned into Minho's embrace.

"I want you more," Minho replied, tightening his grip.

"Ok, ok" Jisung tried to pry Minho's arms off of him. "I'll stay! You don't need to suffocate me!"

Minho ignored Jisung's pleas and picked him up. Jisung put his hands on Minho's shoulders to give himself more balance.

"What are you doing?" Jisung laughed out in a state of bliss. He looked down at Minho with stars in his eyes as he tried, and failed, to figure out what was going through his mind.

"I just like you so much," Minho explained, placing Jisung on the counter. Jisung's hands remained on Minho's shoulders as he lovingly shook his head at him.

"You're so weird" He chuckled.

Minho reached up and squished Jisung's cheeks. "You're just too fucking cute, i don't know how to be normal anymore"

Jisung felt his face heat up at Minho's aggressively honest, but endearing words. It was difficult to maintain eye contact as Minho stared up at him with complete adoration.

"You're too sweet" Jisung replied, his voice a bit muffled due his face currently being squished.

"You don't even know how cheesy I can be," Minho said. "I just want to keep you in my pocket so i can take you everywhere i go"

"Gross" Jisung scrunched up his nose as he took both of Minho's hands in his.

Minho continued, knowing by Jisung's tone that he was enjoying this more than he would let on. Which was fine, because Minho was more than happy to continue showering him with compliments.

"You think i'm sweet? Jisung, you're writing me a whole song. Do you know how romantic that is? How could anyone not fall for you?"

"You've fallen for me?" Jisung teased.

"Of course!" Minho responded earnestly, not taking the bait to get defensive. "A million different times"

Jisung could feel his heart literally ache with how much he admired Minho, and the way his eyes shined with such genuine adoration. Nothing had ever felt so real.

"Minho, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Jisung asked after staring at Minho for a few seconds. His heart was beating so loud he was sure Minho could see it trying to burst through his chest.

"No!" Minho blurted out before he could think. Jisung looked at him with wide, terrified eyes. "I mean, yes, but no! I was going to ask you today!"

Jisung sighed in relief then rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll take it back. Now you ask"

"Han Jisung," Minho started after clearing his throat. "Will you allow me the honor of calling you mine?"

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Yes, you weirdo"

Minho beamed as he pulled down into a kiss that lasted for either a few seconds or eternity. Jisung tangled his hands into Minho's hair, pulling him as close as possible before wrapping his legs around his waist.

They broke away, if only to breathe, and stared at each other for a moment to let it all sink in.

"Boyfriend," Jisung said out loud, tasting the feeling of the new label.

"Boyfriend," Minho nodded.



Jisung had finished the song he had been trying to write for years. He pulled out his guitar and with a shaky breath, prepared to play it in public for the first time.

It was ending where it all started, on a Wednesday in the coffee shop, with Chan and Minho in the audience waiting for the show to start. Except this time, there were a few more additions. Hyunjin had his arm around Felix, who was grimacing at the bitter taste of the coffee, Changbin sat next to Chan, their hands close but not touching. Seungmin and Jeongin were in a whisper fight over who would get the last bite of the cake they ordered. Minho sat, his leg bouncing with anticipation.

Jisung sucked in a breath. It was now or never.

He stepped on stage, and Minho instantly stood up and clapped with everything he had before the performance had even started. He got a few odd stares, mostly from Seungmin, but he could care less.

Jisung flashed him a smile before taking a seat. He didn't have enough strength in him to bother with an introduction today, he just threw himself straight into the song.

Half of the time he screwed his eyes shut, letting muscle memory control the melodies. He only fully looked over at the group as he played the last note.

His eyes went to Minho, who was holding back tears as best as he could, but when he saw Jisung looking at him, he broke.

Chan and Changbin shared a kiss at the end, which was the only thing that could draw Jisung's attention away from Minho.

Jisung looked over at Hyunjin.

"Did they?" he mouthed. Hyunjin returned with the most distraught and confused look before shrugging. 

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