1. Marked for Death

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Something very wicked blew into Briarwood.

The lingering sun melted across the evening sky like creamsicles. Golden and scarlet leaves danced in the wind as Lucien Cromwell crossed the sidewalk, soaking in the petrichor from the morning's thunderstorm. Nothing was lovelier than foliage in the fall.

All around him, shop owners prepared for the kick-start of the Harvest Festival. Strings of orange lights dangled from the rafters of Blissful Bites bakery, where a heavenly blend of pumpkin spice and baked goods drifted in the air. Lucien couldn't resist popping in for some sweets.

Boxes with their black cat logo floated in the air, landing with care on the countertop as Charlotte rounded the corner with four more containers in her arms. It gave Lucien a chance to decide what he wanted while she rang up the customer in front of him. Gleeful little kids tried sneaking some cupcakes for themselves as their mom struggled to keep their hands out of the containers.

Once the woman and her children stepped aside, Lucien approached the counter. "Busy day?"

"You don't know half of it." Charlotte wiped her forehead on the back of her sleeve, and her long daffodil braid swung over her shoulder. "Everyone's always throwing parties during the Harvest Festival to celebrate. Mom and Dad are going out too, ya know?"

"Yeah, she told me." Lucien nodded, pensively eyeing the treats in the display case. "Anyway, I'll take a dozen of your frosted donuts." He pointed to the tray of multicolored donuts, shaped like pumpkins, cats, and ghosts.

"I'm going with them again this year, and I think you should too." Charlotte opened the case and collected the donuts for him. "Sounds like it'll be really fun. Half the neighborhood will be there."

"Already have plans." Lucien shrugged as he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the counter's glass. Locks of icy blond hair spilled across his forehead, but it didn't hide his wistful eyes that sparkled like sapphires behind his thick framed glasses.

Charlotte frowned as she sealed the box with a sticker and rang up his total. "Would it kill you to join our family for this at least once? Everyone's always asking about you. Mom just tells them you went with your friends instead, but it's weird. People whisper about you. They know where you're really at."

"As if I'm scared of Mrs. Pepperheart's rumors," Lucien scoffed, then pressed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Besides, I'm not much for those social gatherings. They just like to show off their kids to everyone and brag about tedious things." He waved a dismissive hand.

"There's no convincing you, is there?" Charlotte shook her head.

Lucien grinned as he accepted his donuts. "Not a chance, sis. Tell those gossipers all about me, okay? Come up with the most ridiculous rumors you can think of."

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I will. We won't hear the end of it tonight."

"Are you nagging him about Harvest Fest again?" Charlotte's co-owner and best friend, Seraphina, poked her head out from the small window connected to the back room. Short, chin-length, pink curls framed her face. "Some of us like spending it with our friends. My folks are always trying to get me to stay all night long, but I never do. I always end up at Silas' house instead. You should join us tonight too, Charlotte. The Rosewoods' always have the best food. I swear, you'll love their pot roast."

Lucien smirked. "Yeah, sis. Have a little fun for Harvest this year."

Charlotte shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. I might consider it."

Every year, their mom tried to convince him to stick around for the festivities. Even if it was only for half the night. It wasn't like Lucien despised the idea of their neighbors hounding him with questions about his future with the Supernatural Council and certain friendships, but he had somewhere else he'd rather be.

✔Kin of the Curse (Book 1: Bloodbound Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now