26. Demons for Breakfast

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With an effort, Lucien shook off his tiredness with another long sip from his freshly-brewed coffee. He was used to waking up early, but nearly four in the morning left him with little rest last night. Lucien had at least changed out of his pajamas and made his way downstairs into the kitchen to make coffee, but that was about as far as his energy had allowed.

Each time he blinked, he wanted to close his eyes for another few minutes. As if that would magically make him less tired. He'd even tried splashing some icy water in his face to waken his senses earlier, but it hadn't worked.

Footsteps on the stairwell made him lazily turn toward the source, surprised to find Castor shirtless and clad in his black and orange flannel bottoms. He yawned as he made his way over to Lucien and kissed the top of his head, mumbling a croaky, "Good morning" before he fixed his own cup of coffee.

"Why are you up?" Lucien asked before taking another long, slow sip of his coffee.

"I'm gonna fly you over to the bakery." Castor poured a ton of creamer into his coffee, stirring it with a spoon.

"You know I can fly by myself," Lucien pointed out.

Castor shrugged. "I'd rather be with you in case something happens. I don't trust your folks, Lucien. Not after what happened yesterday. After you get inside, I'll come back here and rest for a bit, then come pick you up. Silas should be around a little after the sun rises with the truck, so by the time you return, we should have all your new plants somewhere."

"I'm sorry for making you get up so early." Lucien gave him an apologetic smile.

"I don't mind." Castor covered his mouth as a yawn slipped past his lips. "While you're at the bakery, later on me and Dad are going to work on our bake-off dessert too. It's nice that you're helping Seraphina out, even though we're definitely going to win again." He taunted.

"Don't get too cocky. I always have beginner's luck on my side, and Sera's been doing this for years. I'm sure she's got something great planned up her sleeve." Lucien grinned. "How about we make this into a bet?"

"Haven't had one of those in a long time." Castor reclined against the counter, his tired eyes lit up. "Go on."

"The loser must take the winner on a date of their choosing," Lucien said. "Any restaurant, and any meal."

"I like the sound of that." Castor nodded. "I'm in. Can't wait for our date at Crazy Dough's Pizzeria." That was a common place they used to go as teens after wizardry school, and more well known for young couples to take each other out on dates.

"You'll be eating those words once we win." Lucien rose from the table with his mug in hand. "I'm gonna grab my coat and shoes, then we can head out. Sera wanted me there by four-thirty, but getting there a little early won't hurt."

"Do you want to take my broom or the car?" Castor asked.

"I planned on flying, but I'm sure it's chilly out so the car might be more comfortable," Lucien admitted.

There was something so comforting about being awake in the early hours of the night when the rest of the world slept. Somehow, the air always smelled much fresher too. Lucien remembered all those nights he'd sneak out to the old treehouse with Charlotte and create all kinds of fantastical tales to escape their nightmarish house. Even the smallest, simplest things still reminded him of her.

Stars lit the sky like a million tiny fireflies, and he wondered if her soul watched him from above the heavens. She had made several early morning trips to the bakery to get started on their baking, and he hoped she'd somehow be along with him on this one. Even if just in spirit.

Once Castor got the car out of the garage, Lucien climbed in and they drove in silence to the bakery. They passed many darkened homes and shops. It wouldn't be another few hours until they stirred awake, and it made Lucien wonder about all those cold mornings Charlotte had flown to the bakery or had Seraphina pick her up outside their house when the weather made travel by broom impossible.

Blissful Bites soon came into view as Castor reduced his speed and parked at the entrance. Lucien was grateful it was located on a street not closed for the carnival setup because he wasn't sure if his tired body could handle that without passing out for a nap afterward.

"Thanks." Lucien propped open the door, pausing with one foot on the pavement. "I'll call you on Seraphina's crystal ball when we're done, okay?"

"Sure thing." Castor nodded. "Before you go, come here."

"Is something wrong?" Lucien raised a brow as he leaned back inside the car.

"Come a bit closer."

Lucien did as he asked, until they were just a hair's breadth away from each other. "Just tell me already-"

Castor cut him off with a peck on the lips, pulling back with a playful grin. "Love you. Now, go have fun baking for the contest. Dad and I will be busy making the winning dessert while you're gone."

Warmth filled Lucien's flushed cheeks. "I love you too, but we're gonna crush you guys in this contest."

All the way to the bakery's entrance, Lucien couldn't stop thinking about that sweet little kiss. He touched his fingers to lips, unable to bite back the grin that spread across his face. Seraphina had left the door unlocked for him, and once he made it safely inside, Castor sped back off down the road.

Silence greeted him as he crossed through empty booths, calling out for Seraphina as he drew his wand to illuminate the dark room. She had to be there if the door was unlocked, right? Lucien wandered back into the kitchen, but she was nowhere to be found. However, he did notice a slew of cookbooks scattered out across the counter and a notebook beside them, where Seraphina had jotted down ideas for the bake-off.

An unearthly chill crept down Lucien's spine as he pushed open the door that led out into the alleyway, where the dumpster lay. He called out for Seraphina again, but only the wind greeted him before he sealed the door shut again. Was it possible she went out to grab something? Maybe she'd forgotten something at home?

Lucien would've thought she'd at least leave a note for him. Something possessed him to check down in their storage next, just in case she'd wandered down for some kind of ingredient they might need. That was how he ended up walking down the dark, narrow halls to the bakery's basement. Just when he reached for the door, Seraphina's voice drew his attention. She wasn't just talking. She was laughing?

Despite that sinister chill creeping down his arms, he reached for the knob and turned with a soft click. Seraphina had her back turned to him, sitting criss-cross on the cavernous room's concrete floor. Dark magic spilled out the door and singed Lucien's nostrils with the thick stench of sulfur and burnt blueberry pie. Yet it wasn't her pink curls that drew Lucien's attention. Terror seized him by the throat, but he couldn't force himself to look away from the devil in the midst of her summoning circle.

A swoop of glossy light blonde hair tangled with black orchids flowed elegantly down her shoulders. Two sleek black gazelle horns protruded from the top of her head, and when her molten gold eyes slanted in his direction, he swore his own soul left his body. "Welcome, brother. It took you long enough to find me."

✔Kin of the Curse (Book 1: Bloodbound Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now