25. Rosewood Blooms

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A languid twilight had gathered above the rooftops of shops and eateries downtown, shades of lavender and dark orange blending seamlessly in the sky. Tourists traipsed down the sidewalks, admiring the festive window displays and carrying armloads of bags from their sprees. It always got so busy during the week of the Harvest Moon Carnival, when outsiders came from overseas by boat or by broom.

Colorful, multi-sized tents and trailers lined the road ahead of them, and magical crossing barriers were already enacted at each stop sign to keep cars away. Castor had to park all the way over on Fernferrow Lane.

Beside him, Lucien trudged along with his hands nestled in his pockets. Sorrow hung like a dark storm cloud over his boyfriend, and he wished he had the powers to take all his pain away.

Laughter rang out around them as some little kids darted by with bags brimming with rainbow pops, mini chocolate bats, and pumpkin mellowcremes from Sugardoodle Delights. They mumbled apologies through sugared teeth and waved sticky fingers their way as they hurried down the sidewalk.

It reminded him of those days they'd make bets with each other to see who could eat the most without getting sick. Castor was about to bring it up until he gazed over at Lucien, who had tugged his hood over his head with a look in his eyes so far away and sad. He probably wasn't in the mood to think about the past.

Castor ached to reach out and hold his hand, but he kept himself tucked away like he never wanted to be touched again. Even when Castor moved slightly over to brush his shoulder against him, he inched away. It hurt a lot more than it should've. He knew Lucien just needed space after what happened, and he hadn't even wanted to come into town with him, but Castor wasn't about to let him rot in bed all night.

"This way." Castor gestured for Lucien to turn left at the corner of Irson's Barber Shop. A scarecrow with a long luscious black wig was perched on a hale bale right outside the door while another stood over it, mimicking it doing the other's hair.

Lucien sighed. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

It wasn't much further until they reached a little green shop down on Honeysuckle Lane. Rosewood's Blooms was displayed in a frilly font above the entrance, with all the o's shaped like rosebuds. In the window display, vibrant orange tulips and pink snapdragons were complemented by lilies, all surrounded by tiny plushies shaped like pumpkins, bats, and black cats.

"You can pick out whatever you'd like," Castor said as they came to a standstill in front of the window. "I know your plants are precious to you, and it won't be the same as the ones you tended to for years, but I hated the thought of you coming home with nothing."

Lucien's icy demeanor melted away when he met his gaze, his light blue eyes warming like the gentle hue of the morning sky. A smile touched his lips as he guided him into the shop, and Castor took in the delightful floral scents that filled the air around them.

"Welcome." Mrs. Rosewood greeted them with a smile from her work table as she bound stems of flowers with floral tape for her bouquet. "Anything I can help you boys with today?"

"Just looking around. Thank you," Lucien said.

"Of course. Trying to get these last minute bouquet orders done, but if you need anything, let me know. Silas should be back soon to help out too." Mrs. Rosewood's vibrant spirit matched the lively, colorful ambiance of her shop. Tiny daisies were woven through her curly honey brown locks, and her forest green apron was checkered with sunflowers and mushrooms.

Castor browsed through potted plants and flowers with Lucien. He listened as he told him all the different kinds of plants, and Castor insisted he buy each one he talked so fondly about.

✔Kin of the Curse (Book 1: Bloodbound Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now