10. Jealousy for Breakfast

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Birds chirping roused Lucien awake as he basked in the warmth around him. Sunlight pooled in from the closed curtains and Lucien blinked a few times to adjust to the bright light. It was difficult to abandon the soft blankets cocooning him, but when he couldn't wriggle himself out, he realized it wasn't just the blankets that kept him toasty during the night.

He was nestled between Sebastian and Castor with all his blankets. Castor had his muscular arms wrapped around Lucien, his body resembling a portable heater with a small smile as he dozed peacefully on the pillow they shared. They were so close, that if Lucien truly wished to he could have leaned in and kissed him. Of course, he'd never do such a thing to his friend.

On the other side of him, Sebastian had made his chest into a cozy pillow. Lucien reached down, his fingers tangling in the vampire's soft black hair, and brushing over one of his pointy tipped ears. In response, Sebastian let out a low rumble that resembled a purr.

Heartbeat hammering in his chest, Lucien experimentally touched his ear again to earn another similar purr. However, Sebastian shifted himself up from his chest and nestled his face against the crook of Lucien's neck. Unlike Castor's molten hot body pressed tightly against his other side, Sebastian was as icy as snow on a winter's morning. The contrast was quite pleasant.

Lucien had fully awakened the moment Sebastian pressed his hips against his. Nerves fluttered in his chest at the closeness and the taboo of the entire situation. His folks would murder him for merely speaking to a vampire. Instead of trying to move away or forcing Castor to wake up, Lucien traced Sebastian's strong jawline until he parted his lips to reveal a pair of sharp fangs. He should've pulled back. Yet curiosity bested him and he traced his finger along the seam of Sebastian's lower lip until his crimson eyes fluttered open in confusion.

"Good morning," Lucien whispered softly as heat flushed his cheeks.

"What the hell were you doing?" Sebastian hissed.

"Sorry, you were so close and I was just curious..."

Sebastian frowned. "Curious about what?"

"Your fangs," Lucien said. "What it feels like to be bitten."

"Is that so?" Sebastian leaned in, flashing him a predacious grin with sharp fangs. "It scares many of your kind to be bitten by us."

"I know." Lucien gulped, twisting his body ever so gently to come face to face with him. All the while, Castor continued to sleep behind them.

"As curious as you might be, you're still terrified too." Sebastian reached out to touch his face, his fingers caressing his cheek. "I can sense your fear. Your heart's pounding in your chest and your breathing is rapid and shallow."

"I'm not scared," Lucien said, despite how he trembled at the vampire's touch.

"No?" Sebastian brought one hand around the base of his neck and tugged his head back to expose his neck.

Icy nails brushed over his sensitive skin and Lucien whimpered at his touch, anticipating the sharp bite that never came. Instead, Sebastian pulled away with a teasing smile as he reached down for Lucien's hand. Although his lips weren't warm, they were oddly soft when Sebastian pressed them against his wrist.

"Do you really want to know what it feels like?" Sebastian asked.

Lucien nodded and a breathless, "yes" sputtered from his lips.

In a swift motion, Sebastian parted his lips and let his fangs elongate before sinking them into his tender skin. Lucien winced at the sharp pain, but it soon ebbed to a numb pulsing that felt weirdly pleasant.

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