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{ Years Ago... }

"Mama?" A young girl whispered as she shook her mother, the woman didn't move as she lay with her gaze on the sky. The little girl pushed her own brunette hair out of her face before sniffling, her pale tone caused alarm for the surrounding people; especially due to the severe blood stain seeping through her white daisy pattern dress. "Someone call nine-one-one!" Another voice shouted before dropping down next to the young girl and her lifeless mother. "Hey sweetheart, I need you to lay down and let me tie this around you," The man spoke as he pulled his hand away from the girl's mother confirming in his mind that she had not survived.

The young girl allowed the man to tie a belt above her wound and apply pressure to it with his jacket, her gaze focused on the sky rather than the tears streaming down her cheeks and the choked sobs leaving her lips. The pain she had felt before had faded leaving her feeling cold and numb, she didn't understand what was happening or why life was so harsh it would do such a thing to her family. The man continued to speak as red and blue lights flashed across the little six-year-olds vision. Her mother still hadn't woken up leaving the girl convinced that she was gone, that the angels had taken her back to Heaven for eternal peace.

But what would the six-year-old brunette with brown eyes tell her brother when she went returned home to him and their father? How could she tell him that their mommy had left them to Heaven all because she wanted ice cream after ice skating? Would her father and brother hate her for such a decision or will they comfort her and reassure her that she had no control over the ice on the road? Her heart ached more than anything else in her body and all she wanted was her brother to hold her in his arms and tell her that everything would get better in time. That the two siblings could be strong together and support one another like they have since she was born.

But that wasn't what the little girl got. No. When her father showed up to the hospital, he wailed in pain at the loss of his wife. Her brother seethed in anger at the fact that his mother was gone but his sister was alive. And the little girl cried and cried in guilt and shame for being the reason that the world's sweetest doctor had passed on with the angels. However, the emotions had changed when the little girl closed her eyes and let go, the machines signalling that she was flat-lining which stopped the anger in her brother and built fear within him instead. He had lost his mother, he couldn't lose his little sister; his mother would be disappointed with him.

So as he watched the doctors work and work to bring her back to the world of the living, another had approached him and his father. "I'm afraid there is some unfortunate news regarding your daughter," The doctor spoke solemnly before explaining that the little girl had a very rare disease that had been slowly killing her and her organs. The machine showing signs of life stunned everyone who didn't expect her to survive such a life-threatening injury crossed with her declining health that was only going to end in her organs shutting down. The little girl wasn't going to give up without a fight, she promised her mother in Heaven, after all.


{ Years Later... }

The walls were a creamy beige colour with a tint of green, strange machines sat around the room with beeping sounds echoing along with the clacking on keyboards. Men and women wearing professional clothes covered by lab coats walked around the room causing the clicking of heels to echo through the large room. A large symbol rested on the far left wall, red and white blended against the cream beige as a show of the company. The water bubbled with each breath of air, tubes connected to the glass cage supplying unknown liquids to the water, strange red liquid was flowing excessively through an IV on the right while a green liquid flowed through the left, less forceful as the right.

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ❥ Leon S. KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now