1.14 | 𝗨𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮

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Amara felt uneasy about this plan, she knew they had access to the lab but she dreaded what would happen next and the last thing she wanted was for Leon to be hurt. She walked slowly behind Ada and Leon as they discussed everything, Amara watched closely as Ada would occasionally touch Leon's arm or stare directly at him and Amara hated it, she had now realised that what she felt was jealousy.

They made their way towards the cable car, Leon stopped to heal himself and double check the room for anything they needed. Ada pulled Amara to the side with a smirk, "Listen to me... You are putting us in danger by trailing behind us, you better think carefully about your next actions..." Ada walked away from Amara whose eyes shone a bright blue in pure dislike towards the so-called agent that stood a few feet away talking to Leon.

Amara closed her eyes and took a deep breath before shaking off Ada's words with a decision to go her own way the moment they got out of the city, no matter how much it pained her inside to leave Leon behind; she knew that Leon would be fine without her, she had to believe that otherwise it'd hurt her heart. But at the end of the day, Ada was right about one thing regarding Amara Williams, she was an experiment known as AW-Tyrant and that wouldn't change the moment she left the city.


Using Ada's ID Bracelet, the three stepped onto the cable car that would take them down to the NEST where the G-Virus would hopefully still be. "This may only be a one-way ride, Leon. So be prepared," Ada stated once she was seated, wincing slightly from the pain in her leg. Leon walked towards the control panel while Amara walked to the back of the cable car, she was suddenly wishing she was anyway else; maybe even with Claire.

"This tram is bound for NEST. Do not exit until the final destination," A female automated voice spoke as the door closed and the cable car started up and followed the track. "You know what I'm thinking? I can't wait for the FBI to raid Umbrella headquarters and take those bastards to justice," Leon spoke openly though his doubts about Ada seeped through, he noticed how Ada behaved and it was beginning to set alarm bells of to him; being a rookie cop isn't easy.

He wanted to truly believe she was an agent but he was starting to doubt and he knew that was partly because of Amara's words. "I agree... but to be clear, you're not working in official capacity. This is a federal case," Ada informed him with a slightly stern tone. "Once we get the G-Virus, I'm back on my own," Ada finished off looking away from Leon; Another sign that Ada may not be who she claims. Amara shook her head with a sigh before looking out the back window, watching as the walls flashed by.

Leon had turned away from Ada, he wasn't happy with her response as it only fed into those doubts he was having about Ada. He turned his head to Amara, watching as she focused on the boring environment rushing past them. "Hey Leon... Trust me?" Ada said once she noticed he had zoned out in the direction of Amara. She knew Leon was falling for the unique girl but she needed to get in between them or her plan will fall apart.

Leon turned to Ada, "You trust me?" Ada looked up at Leon when a soft voice caught their attention. "I do..." Amara spoke without the intention of Leon and Ada hearing her, but they did and Leon couldn't help but smile softly as a warmth built within his chest. "Honestly... if I didn't you'd probably be dead," Ada spoke regaining Leon's attention away from Amara. Ada felt the distrust building between them and she needed to do something to solidify the rift.

"Look, I thought I might need your help... and I was right. If you can secure the G-Virus, I can make sure what happened in Raccoon City never happens again," Ada explained, his full attention on her. Amara didn't trust Ada in the slightest, her act wasn't all that strong nor her actions, Amara knew that Ada was up to no good but she couldn't prove it and she wouldn't risk turning Leon against her.

"Ada..." Leon spoke before sitting down next to her on the bench. "You said it yourself — it's a federal case," Leon began only for Ada to stop him. "Leon, look at me... I'm a liability now," Ada spoke as she turned her head away from Leon, he was playing into her cards and she knew what to do to create a rift between Amara and Leon. "If I'm going to finish this case, you're the last hope I've got," Ada continued with her stern glare pointed at Amara who took in a deep breath.

Ada turned back to Leon as he looked down to the ground. "I'm not just going to leave you here. What if you're attacked, what if you need help-" Leon rambled before Ada grabbed the side of his face, she kissed him. Amara watched closely, her heart ached in a way she's never felt before as Leon kissed Ada back. Amara felt like she couldn't breath, her heart felt as though it was physically breaking and she quickly wiped the tear that fell from her eye; how could something like make her heart hurt so bad, it felt like someone had cut her heart out of her chest.

She turned back to the window, her bright blue eyes reflecting back at her as she cursed to herself for believing that there was something special between her and Leon, she should've known better than to believe that someone would see her as something more than a monster. The cable car rocked back and forth, forcing Leon and Ada apart from one another. Ada winced in pain from her arm as Leon looked around for any immediate danger until his eyes landed on the silver-haired, blue eyed tyrant, the woman's hands curled in fists as she ignored the pain.

And he quickly realised how badly he had screwed up, he didn't want to hurt Amara, but Ada... she was smirking triumphantly for getting between the two. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," Ada assures with her hand resting on Leon's chest though his gaze rested on Amara rather than Ada. "I gotta see this through... and I want to see you again," Ada continued, her hand moved from his chest to his thigh diverting his attention from Amara to Ada, his eyes looked from the hand on his thigh to the woman before him.

"Now arriving at NEST," The automated voice spoke gaining the attention of all three occupants. "Go. Please, we don't have much time," Ada spoke as she removed her ID wristband and gave it to Leon. Amara stepped off of the cable car not waiting to be trapped inside with the two as they shamelessly flirted, Amara just wanted to get the G-Virus then get the hell out of the city; she didn't care about what happened to her between now and then, she just wanted the pain to go away, she wanted that peace again.


Yo, it's Mel <3

How are you feeling about Ada?

How are you feeling about Leon?

How are you feeling about Amara?

See you in the next chapter!

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ❥ Leon S. KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now