23-Wedding Planning

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"What do you think a good date is?" I asked as I fed Maddie.

"Maybe a day during summer so it's warm. And when the team has a day off." He yelled from the kitchen.

"Um well you guys are off July 16. Is that good?"

"Babe. That's two months away. You realize that right?" He poked his head out.

"Yeah. But we don't need a big wedding. I'm seriously ok with it just being us, the team and a few family members. And I know having the team is a lot of people but we can't just not invite them, you know?"

"Yeah yeah. It's just going to be a lot of work." He said, bringing me a plate of food.

"I think we can make it work."

"I know we can make it work. And I bet a few guys would help us out."

"Of course they would." I said, setting my plate on the coffee table.

"I'll talk to them tomorrow." He said, kissing me.

"Alright. I'll start working on everything tomorrow."


"I think we should do gold and black." I told the girls as we flipped through wedding magazines, the game playing in the background.

"I think that's a wonderful combination. Buster knows about all these choices right?" Lexi, Hunter's girlfriend, asked.

"He said for me to handle it and he would look at it all when he got home." I said, flipping through a magazine that had flowers in it.

"Do you have a dress?" Jalynne, B Craw's wife, asked.

"Yeah, it's this one." I said, pointing to the white mermaid dress.

"That's beautiful." She gasped.

"I know. I love it. I hope it looks good on me."

"It will. Buster will love it." She said, smiling comfortably.


Guys, I have a problem..

I feel like I'm too young to be writing a story about a 28 year old. I mean like I'm almost 14 but I don't know. I don't really write anything bad but I just, idk. What do you guys think?😒

I love writing so much but i just, im confused.

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