An old friend comes to visit

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(F): "Come on, Jaune. We've been over this so many times! You can't peek around corners that wide!"

Jaune: "I'm sorry sir!"

(F): "It's fine, just keep practicing! Ruby, how's it going?"

Ruby: "I'm able to hit targets about 150 meters away."

(F): "You're a sniper! I expect better!"

Ruby: "On it sir!"

You were looking through everyone undergoing training.

M4A1: "So, how's everything?"

(F): "Everything is going fine. Though Jaune could use some help."

Pyrrha: "Permission to speak sir."

(F): "Granted."

Pyrrha: "May I assist Jaune in his training?"

(F): "Also granted."

Pyrrha: "Thank you sir."

She moves onto helping him.

(F): "This is taking a lot longer then expected."

M200: "True, but we didn't learn all of this in a few weeks."

(F): "I know but if we want to kill Ironwood then we have to train them harder."

Your scroll suddenly rings, you pick it up.

Ozpin: "Hello (F). The pit is ready for use."

(F): "Great! I'll call over an old veteran to make sure it's perfect. No offence to you M200. You still did an amazing job."

She hugs your side and you wrap one arm around her.

(F): "Anyways, thanks for building it."

Ozpin: "It's no problem. Good luck."

(F): "Thanks."

You hang up and call Price.

Price: "Ah, Ghost. What's the occasion?"

(F): "We need you to make sure the pit is good."

Price: "I'll be there in thirty."

(F): "That's fine. I'll have them all ready for you so you can meet the new member as well."

Price: "Alright, see you in a bit."

(F): "See you too."

You hang up and go round everyone up.

(F): "Alright! That's enough of that! Everyone follow me. We're going to the pit."

Everyone follows you as you make your way to the pit Ruby asks.

Ruby: "Do we have to kill Ironwood?"

(F): "If he doesn't start acting sane then yes. But I'll personally do it."

Ruby: "Okay.."

(F): "Cheer up kiddo. We got another legend coming here in a bit."

Ruby: "Really?!"

(F): "Yeah. But for now, behold! The pit!"

They stare in aw at the course.

(F): "You'll be going through this as well. Thank M200 for the design."

You pat her head and she gives a warm smile.

(F): "But we still have to wait for it to be approved by an old friend of mine. In the meantime let's see what you learned in hand to hand Yang."

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