Codeword: Devil

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Landing in your spot you look around and see that everyone is acounted for.

(F): "Good, everyone's here. We can start."

You activate your radio.

(F): "This is Ghost to everyone. What's your status?"

M200: "Snipers in place."

Price: "Rerady to go."

Jaune: "Good to go."

Soap: "Bird is hot and ready."

(F): "Alright, move out. And remember, stealth is a must. Do not fail."

Everyone: "Yes sir."

You move out with your squad and make it to the back of a shop. You go on top of the shop and survay the area.

M16A1: "What's the call Ghost?"

(F): "I'd say we should go down to the metro and see what we can do there. There has to be one leading near his place."

M4A1: "Good call, Big sis, I know you don't like to, but pleas put on a suppressor."

She sighs and puts one on.

(F): "I never got why you don't use one."

M16A1: "It look bad on my gun."

(F): "Don't complain to much, now. Let's get going."

You climb down and sneek into the metro. You spot a door and signal for everyone to get in, you open it and clear the room.

(F): "They must be on brake. UMP45 take the tain routs and get us a path to Ironwood. We'll cover you."

She nods and begins to go though the terminal. After a while she finds it.

UMP45: "Found it."

Just as she says that the door opens. M16 takes the guy by the throat and holds a knife to his neck.

M16A1: "Say a word and you're dead."

(F): "It doesn't matter. We got what we needed."

UMP45: "He's still gonna be a problem."

M4A1: "I've got an idea. Bring him with us, we'll be taking the train tunels right? So let's stage an accident."

The guy gets horrified and M16 chokes him till he falls unconscious.

(F): "Good idea."

You all rush out and jump down into the train tunels, they had just enough space for people to walk on the side. You start to walk through them and eventually a train comes along. M16 puts the guy on the tracks and you all lay prone as not to be seen. When the guy gets run over your mask gets some blood on it, stayning the right side of it.

(F): [That isn't coming off anytime soon..]

You get back up and in a few minutes make it out of the metro and next to a skyscraper. You activate your radio.

(F): "Ghost to all units, how copy?"

Price: "Solid, we're in position, awaiting orders."

M200: "Still good here, and we see him."

(F): "Good, maintain sight of him."

Jaune: "Sorry I'm late, we just got done with some straglers. In position now. C4 is planted."

You look up.

(F): "You bloody outdid yourself Jaune, you might just join our team faster then I expected."

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