The test pt1

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The five of them load up into a chopper piloted by Soap.

Soap: "I'll let you know right now, this will be the hardest thing you will have done in your life up until now."

Weiss: "I'm ready."

Ruby: "Me too!"

Ren: "I'm set."

Yang: "Let's get this started!"

Jaune: "I'll pass this test!"

Soap: "That's great and all, but you'll quickly find out that it isn't going to be that easy."

Jaune: "I know, but I'll still make sure to pass the test."

Soap: "Heh. Haven't seen someone that determined in a while. I'll take your word on it."

You climb in.

(F): "Everything set?"

Soap: "Yup, everything is perfect Lt."

(F): "Good, you still know the location?"

Soap: "Fuck you, it only happened once. Bet ya even forgot where your masks are one in a while."

(F): "*Chuckle* Never. Now, get this hunk of steal moving. I'll be watching from down here."

Soap: "Rodger that. See ya in a bit Lt."

(F): "Jaune."

Jaune: "Yes sir?"

(F): "I expect perfection from you. Also, remember to get creative if you're stuck somewhere."

Jaune: "Rodger that, sir."

You take out a badge and sick it onto his shoulder.

Jaune: "A ghost face?"

(F): "You can keep it if you pass. And if you prove to be something special, you'll be recruited onto our team."

Jaune: "Really?!"

(F): "Yeah, now. Focus on the test."

You leave the helicopter and it takes off.

Price: "What do you think about that muppet?"

(F): "You mean Ruby? She's fine, but someone needs to brake her."

Price: "Yeah, she needs to face the real world if she want's to do this."

(F): "I wish we could get more members but this is the only way we're allowed to do this. Not the test though."

Price: "So you're doing this whole thing in the dark?"

(F): "Yeah. So everyone here needs to keep this on the down low."

Price: "Rodg. Alright, the rest of you. Back to training. You'll be going on the next mission with me and my team. So you better be ready to look death straight in the eyes!"

Everyone: "Yes, captain!"

(F): "M200, you comfy?"

She was sitting in your lap.

M200: "Yes. You're warm."

(F): "My heart would disagree."

UMP45: "You have one?"

(F): "Yeah, a cold one."

M4A1: "He's been through some tough shit."

(F): "True, but that comes with the job."

M4A1: "I'm still confused how you're sane after everything."

(F): "Years of experience. It hardens you up. You'll learn eventually."

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