🔨Girl of steel🔨

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You are 12 and B/n is 9 years old

~~~~~*3rd Person's P.O.V*~~~~~
After eating food and freshening up, tanjiro goes to write in his journal, he had been writing for some while so he was almost done.
You set up the futons for B/n, tanjiro,urokodaki san and yourself as B/n helps you.

After making the bed you turn to Urokodaki San
"Thank you for taking us in urokodaki San!" You bow.

"I see the determination in you kids. The training is going to be hard, sleep well for tomorrow." Urokodaki says

You nod and go over to B/n and whisper in his ear "Let's go back to our world tonight alright? Please B/n I really want to see the others again"
B/n looks at you and nods "You don't have to say please sis. We can go."

Tanjiro closes his journal and enters the room you, B/n, nezuko and Urokodaki san were in.

Tanjiro looks at nezuko, worried.

"Don't worry she is fine tanjiro Kun. I can feel it. Let's sleep now" you smile at him

He nods and smiles back

Honestly you didn't know if he was angry with you or not because you kept your abilities a secret from him.

Urokodaki San, Tanjiro and B/n sleep on the three futons side by side and you sleep opposite to them where nezuko and your futon was.

You nod at B/n, he nods back, this was your way to know that he knew how to travel back.

You lay down and pull your blanket over you, hugging nezuko side.

You then close your eyes and wish in your mind 'I wish to go back to my world, mr bunny please let me and B/n travel back.'

Everything goes white in your head and you fall asleep.

You wake up and look around curious if you were back and you were.

B/n wakes up as well "Oh we're back in the hospital room but my leg is fine now."

Aunt Aki enters the room "You kids are awake I see! B/n let's go home and Y/n I have packed some food for you to eat so that you don't forget my cooking. Oh I'm gonna miss your cute little face my little mermaid!" She hugs you.

"Me too!! I'll make sure to visit as much as I can!"you nod

After getting B/n discharged your aunt takes B/n back home and you go back to your jujutsu school. On the way you buy a box of chocolate for the new first year.

Upon reaching there you go to your dorm room and go to shower. You had got the message on your phone that your uniform was ready and was placed in your closet.

SakUrA HiRa HirA~~ (Kny x modern reader)(jujutsu kaisen x Reader) Crossover!Where stories live. Discover now