Act 17: Hot Springs of Love

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The Ratatoskr crew got to work, as they blockaded every route the AST tried to take. Once with vehicles, once by splitting the bridge, once by locking it down under construction, once with... raging bulls?

Captain Kusakabe looked at her paper map.

"This is odd. The map is definitely wrong."

"I don't remember there being a road here," said Origami.

"Captain! The road ahead is blocked!" saluted one of the girls.

"The right side is also blocked!" saluted another.

"There's a shopping district 500 meters to the left!"

"...There is no road behind us."

Kusakabe sighed.

"Fine, then. Origami."


"Commence recon."


She was propelled by another girl into the air by another girl and landed on the electric post.

She was propelled by another girl into the air by another girl and landed on the electric post

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"Checking... No shopping district to the left. Path found 100 meters ahead, merging to a major road after 400 meters."

"Very well. Troops, march forward!" commanded Kusakabe.

They started marching.

"The target has passed Sector 1. Thirty seconds before they reach Sector 2," said Shiizaki back on the Fraxinus.

"Deploy rear barrier. Date Town is entering final phase," said Mikimoto.

"470 seconds until full deployment," said Nakatsugawa.

Meanwhile, the group of five walked past a shop, where Kotori was standing inside wearing a red kimono. Sera and Shido thought they saw someone familiar, and Shido ran up to the window to reveal Kotori.

"Kotori? What are you doing here?" he asked, surprised.

"And inside this random shop?" added Sera.

"Oh, it's Kotori!" said Tohka.

"What's going on?" asked Yoshino.

Kotori was having a tough time thinking of a response.

"Y-You know! I'm watching over you! I'm keeping an eye on you so you don't screw up!"

"Can't you do that from up there?" asked Shido.

"Maybe she wanted to come with you, like I did!" said Sera.

"O-Of course I not!" blurted out Kotori.

"Don't be shy. Since you're here, why don't you come with us?" asked Shido.

"O-Okay, I suppose I could— Ah!" her earpiece began buzzing.

"What's wrong?" asked Shido.

Kotori turned around and whispered, frustrated.

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