Chapter 1: Three Years Later

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Jake's POV:

Three years ago today, my friends and I narrowly escaped Daisy's wrath. Crazy, how I used to be obsessed with her. I was so in love with Daisy back in high school, that I joined the music club--something my friends weren't very supportive of. But looking back, joining that club was the best thing that's ever happened to me. 

If I hadn't been so stupid as to join that club, then my life would have been a lot different. I might have never accepted my passion for singing or met the greatest group of people on earth. Granted, I wouldn't have had the worst eight years of my life and might have not almost been killed, but it's all worth it.

Since that fateful day three years ago, a lot has changed. Milly and Elliot finally sealed the deal and got married. Luke and Zander are still going strong and are still as sickening as they were in high school. Sean's been trying to put himself out there more. Since his last relationship ended in catastrophe he's been hesitant to date again. 

Finally, Hailey and I. Things are great with her--amazing. She's one of the most incredible people I've ever met, and I feel like such an idiot for not realizing that sooner. We quit our job at the Technicians company. 

Hailey works as a music teacher in a high school, the same high school we went to. She's really loving her job now and talks about it for hours. I've also been using my musical talent more. I write songs for singers, commercials, movies, and everything in between.

Of course, things aren't exactly perfect. Sometimes, I still feel like Daisy is here--watching me. I know she's secured in a high-maintenance prison, but my nerves always get the best of me. Going out in public was pretty hard at first. But now it's gotten better. I've started seeing a therapist, who has helped a lot. 

But that eerie feeling that Daisy is still lingering, waiting to pounce doesn't go away. I still wake up in a cold sweat thinking about that night. What could have happened? But that's in the past. 

. . .

I was fiddling with the bowl of fruits Hailey decorated our counter with while our dog, Cream was whining at my feet.  "Hailey! Hurry up!" I shouted up the stairs. Hailey took forever to get ready in the morning. She always wanted to look good for her class. 

Nearly tripping to get downstairs, Hailey slid towards me, tying her hair up in her signature ponytail. Cream's tail wagged excitedly upon seeing her. "Took you long enough," I say slyly. Her face changes to a sour red. 

"Just... shut up and take me to work already!" 

"Okay, bye!" Hailey skipped out of the car and pecked my cheek. "I love you!" I grinned as she hurried off into the school. As I went to go switch the car out of the park, something caught my eye. White hair. 

My blood ran cold and my heart stopped. I could feel sweat begin the drip down my neck and the feeling of my chest tightening. I felt immediately nauseous and couldn't move until the person walked into view. 

It was just a student. The feeling vanished soon after. I guess I'm not as recovered as I thought I was. . .

. . .

Thrid-Person POV:

Lia dragged her feet through the narrow corridor of her apartment, struggling to stay awake long enough to get to the door. Her mind was fuzzed and she wanted nothing more than to crash onto her bed and sleep. She fumbled around in her purse for a few minutes, trying to find her keys. As she went to put them in the keyhole, she noticed something strange. Her lock was broken and her door was cracked open slightly. 

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