Chapter 8: Witness Protection

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Third-Person POV:

Snow trickled quietly to the ground, adding to the already thick blanket that cover the land. The front glass doors of the hospital were cloudy and all you could see through them were the faint flashing lights of ambulances. The inside lobby bustled with the sound of ringing phones, chatter, and more. But none of that matters. The sounds were indistinct to Jake as he stared at his girlfriend with wide eyes, wondering what he should say, and completing if he even heard her right.

Hailey met his stare, her dark eyes shimmering in the faint moonlight that dress the lobby. Her long blue hair was tangled into a thousand knots, and her eye was purple from being hit earlier in the night. 

Jake and Hailey stood there, soaking in the newfound information as people strutted past them, odd glances coming from them. "Jake?" Meekly said Hailey, her usual confident voice lowered to nothing but a squeak as she waited nervously for his response.

Swallowing the lump that had grown in his throat, Jake spoke, his voice raspy and breaking. "You're pregnant?" The same watery tears formed in Hailey's eyes, adding to the already sparkling irises. 

"Yes," She chirped, stroking Jake's hand with her finger gently. She felt her stomach churn as she looked to the cold floors of the hospital lobby, almost afraid to look at Jake. "I found out earlier in the month." She continued, her voice beginning to crack at every word, and more strained tears making their way down her bright pink cheeks. 

Jake breathed shakily, taking a step away from Hailey and releasing his grip on her hands. Hailey bit her lip, her head pounded, and her legs buckled as she stood there in impatience, scared of what was to come. Jake swiped his blonde locks and slapped his hands against his sides. His face was as white as the snow outside.

"Are you mad?" Jake peered up at Hailey, the warm tears welling up in his own eyes. "No... no, Hailey, that's... that's amazing!" A large goofy smile made its way across his face which had slowly started to regain its colour. Shocked Hailey fiddles with her hands, a confused smile greeting her.

Jake moves his hair again before making his way back to Hailey and bringing her into a long embrace. Hailey silently cried as Jake held her, relieved. Jake buried his face in the soft crook of Hailey's neck, her hair getting stuck on his face and in his mouth, but he didn't care. The two stood there, in a world of their own.

Finally, they pulled apart, strands of Hailey's hair travelling on Jake's face. Hailey brushes the strands off and smiles widely. "Well, now everything makes sense," Hailey releases a stifled chuckle. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Jake grabs her face gently in his hand, resting his other vacant hand on her shoulder and gripping it tightly. "At least you did tell me." Hailey wraps her arms around Jake's neck, kneading the back of his neck with her thumb.

"I think I'd have to. It's pretty hard to hide a baby belly." Jake laughs somewhat loudly before pulling Hailey close and hugging her again. Hailey closes her eyes and smells Jake's cologne, softly brushing his back with her fingers. 

"Hey, guys --" Calls Sean, who is holding an icepack to his bruised temple. Jake and Hailey turn to face their friend, quickly wiping all signs of them crying away. "You two all right?" Jake nods. "Yep. Fine." 

Sean glared at them suspiciously before shrugging their behaviour off. "Zander's being admitted now. The police are going to drive us home." They nod and Sean runs off.

Hailey and Jake both face each other again, noticing the tear streaks on both their faces. They smile, not a single thought in their mind but each other. 

. . .

It was December 23rd. People were packing up to see their families, and the unprepared were running around town trying to find presents at the last minute. For the former music club, however, they were all trapped in their houses, unable to even go outside to enjoy the snow. "Hailey?" Calls Jake as he rushes up the stairs, trying to find his girlfriend. He eventually does find her, sitting on their bedroom window sill, her facing leaning against the frost-covered window and watching the next-door neighbours haul a Christmas tree into their house.

"I hate this," She says, adjusting her position on the sill. Jake takes a seat across from her. "I know," He strokes her face. "But this is for the better, Hailey. And it's not forever. It's just until the police catch Daisy." Hailey hops off the window sill, dressed in plaid holiday-themed pyjamas. "I just hate how I can't see my parents, or Zander, or anyone!" She flops down on the bed, her arms stretched out wide.

"I'm not that bad am I?" Hailey grins and pulls herself up, pecking his lips as she sits up. "Sorry," She mumbles. Jake curls up next to her, resting his head on hers. 

"I hate being stuck in our house too." Hailey sighs. "They're never going to catch Daisy. Nobody is. She's just too smart." Hailey stands up and walks downstairs, Jake following after her like a puppy.

"You're right." Hailey walks into the kitchen and grabs herself a mug, prepping to make herself a hot chocolate. Jake grabs a mug as well. "Do you want to watch a movie tonight, princess?" Hailey smiles at the nickname. "The Grinch?" She asks, her eyes twinkling. "The old one, the Jim Carrey one, or the Illumination one?" Hailey rolls her eyes.

"I think you know the answer to that one," Jake chuckles and follows Hailey into the living room. The two sit there for a few moments, chatting, laughing and gazing at their Christmas tree. Suddenly, there is a knock on their door. 

"That might be the postman," Jake stands up and strides to their door, opening it. Hailey gets worried after not hearing Jake speak for a few seconds and goes to see who's there. Her eyes widen as her vision rests upon Sadie.

Sadie's hair was a mess and her face was dirty, and bloodied, she was holding her stomach and was hunched over. "Sadie, what are you -- are you okay?" Jake grabs her and brings her inside. Hailey assists Jake in sitting Sadie down on the couch.

"Sadie, what happened?" Hailey pulls her coat off, revealing a large wound on her side, spilling blood. "Oh my god!" Jake yells. "I'll call an ambulance!" Jake rushes to a phone.

"Don't," Croaked Sadie. "Whatever Daisy told you..." She begins, her lips beginning to turn white. "It's part of her plan." Sadie breathes loudly. 

"Sadie, you're... you're dying," Hailey whines, as she inspects Sadie's wound. "This whole time, I've been trying to help you guys," Sadie continues. "I called the police that night because I wanted you all to be safe. Even if that meant for you to get arrested." Coughs Sadie as she grabs her wound.

Jake sits down next to Hailey. "Sadie, you're going to be okay, all right? We-We'll get some help, and you'll be fine. All right?" Saide shakes her head. 

"Daisy's not done yet. She wanted this to happen. She planned this all out. She... got you guys in witness protection." Hailey gazed at Sadie. "But why?" Sadie sighed. "The captain... he's not... a real captain. He's working for Daisy. He's watching you all... informing Daisy." Hailey and Jake share a distressed glance.

"You all need to leave now," Sadie chokes. "You need to... kill her. Stop this madness." Said coughs and falls back on the couch. Jake grabs the back of her neck to lift her. 

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you. And I can't wait to see Daisy in hell." She chokes again. "She's planning to kill... Milly and Elliot tonight. You need to... save them." 

Sadie falls back on the couch, coughing again. "I know you can do it." Sadie blinks, swallows and leans back on the couch. Then nothing.

"Sadie?" Jake shakes her to no response. "Sadie!" He yells, shaking her harder. Her eyes remain open, stuck on the view of the Christmas tree. Hailey notices a small piece of paper in her hand. She takes it out of Sadie's limp hand.

"Jake," She says softly. Jake looks down at the note.

10:30 PM

"Jake.." Hailey says. "What time is it?" Jake looks at his watch. "10:15." Hailey tosses the note into the fire and rushes to the door, pulling her jacket on. "Where are you going?" He yells. Hailey opens the door, letting the cold in. 

"To save Milly!" 

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