Chapter 5: Going Back

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Third-Person POV:

The fire crackled quietly as the dangerously cold snow patted the window as if asking for entrance. Hailey shivered as she carefully watched the bright flames grow and fall in the fireplace. Despite being doused in more than eight blankets she felt as though she was still trapped out on that balcony.

Jake walked out of the kitchen, holding a mug close to his chest. Gently sitting next to Hailey, he handed her the mug. Hailey took it reluctantly. This was her fourth cup of tea. Jake leaned back on the couch, joining his partner in watching the glorious flames.

"I'm sorry," He whispers, his voice low and regretful. Taking a sip of tea, Hailey batted her lashes and stared at Jake with her big doe eyes. "What do you mean?" The fire continued to crack as Jake leaned back up slowly, his hands buried in his lap. 

"I should have been with you. This was such an awful idea." He rubbed his hand, his hands falling down his skin slowly. Hailey placed her steamy mug on the coffee table in front carefully and leaned back to hug Jake, immediately feeling his warmth soothe her. 

Jake wrapped his arms around her tiny figure, bringing her closer to him. "It's not your fault, Jake. I should have been more careful. This wasn't an awful idea. We can still stop this."

Pulling away, Jake inspects her face. Her cheeks are still rosy. "No," He mumbles, moving away from his girlfriend.

"No?" Jake stands up and glares at the falling snow. "I'm not letting you get hurt anymore." Hailey shakily stands, her legs still feeling frozen.

"I'll be fine, Jake. It was one mess-up." Jake clenches his teeth, annoyed at Hailey's stubbornness. "What? Do you just want to sit here and wait for Daisy to come and kill us, or do you want to do something?" Argues the blue-haired woman. 

Jake doesn't say anything and stares back at the fire. "We don't have to do it ourselves, Hailey. Why can't we just call the police or something?"

Now filled with anger, Hailey tosses her blanket on the ground. "The police won't do shit, Jake, and you know it! We're the only ones who can stop her!" 

Jake shakes his head. "I can't let you, Hailey. I already lost you once, I can't lose you again!" 

Silence washes over Hailey. Every argument, every comeback, every point she thought up in her head fades as she stares into Jake's brown eyes, seeing the hurt staring back at her. 

She steps closer to him. "You're not going to lose me again," She takes his hand in hers. "I'm not risking it." 

Hailey sighs. They go silent for a minute, both unsure of what to say. "You're right," Hailey says finally. Jake looks at her in awe. 

Hailey pushes her head into his shoulder as Jake wraps his arms around her waist, her blue hair tickles his face as they stand there, the flames dying while the snowfall grows. 

A quaint smile approaches Jake's face as he holds Hailey tighter, glad that she will be safe. 

. . .

The next morning the ground was buried in a layer of snow. Jake tosses around in his and Hailey's bed, staring out the densely frozen window. He rubs his face around in the sheets, the small glow from the window stinging his eyes. Sitting up, he looks around the room. It's still the same as always. 

He turns around to face Hailey's sleeping self but she's nowhere to be found. Jake jumps out of bed, skipping down the stairs expecting to see Hailey striding around the kitchen or watching TV on the couch. But no. She's gone.

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