Chapter 7: It's Done

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Third-Person POV:

A faint radio plays choppy, nearly unrecognizable Christmas music throughout the tiny room Hailey was in. The room had nothing but a metal desk, and two chairs, one of which Hailey was bound to. There was a glass window behind her, watching her eerily. Hailey tapped her feet along the cold cement floor as she waited for the officer to come in. She could hear yelling, arguing and laughing from outside the room. Her mind traced to her friends, worried about what could be happening to them.

 She wriggled in the cuffs that bound her wrists to the back of the chair, feeling the cold metal stab her. The interrogation room door opened, revealing a tired-looking officer with a large cup of coffee in his hand. He grumbled, taking a seat in the chair opposite Hailey. 

"Look, let's just make this quick, all right?" The officer said, taking a sip of his coffee. Hailey inched herself up on the chair, ready to defend herself. 

"Why were you in that building? Were you and your friends trying to steal something?" Hailey shook her head, giving the officer a cold stare. "Do you recall a prisoner named Daisy? White hair, short, blue eyes?" The officer gave her a puzzled look and took another sip of coffee. 

"Look, lady, it's late. Just answer the question." Hailey shuffled in her binds again. "Daisy escaped didn't she?" The officer reluctantly nodded. "She tried to kill us. We were at that building trying to find her, or doing your job for you." She smirked. The officer stared at her distastefully. 

"You still broke in a private property. And even if you don't at least some jail time, you will be fined." Hailey sighed, leaning back in the chair. "What if we helped you find Daisy? Then would we all be acquitted?" The officer licked his lips, a considering look stretching across his face. 

Before he could answer, another officer entered the room. His uniform is black instead of blue and his hat is tucked under his arm. The integrating officer stood up quickly. "Captain. We're always finished." The captain glared at Hailey.

"I want to speak to her." The officer looked at Hailey, then at the captain and nodded, leaving the room quickly. The captain quickly replaced the officer and sat down in front of Hailey. 

"We've been looking for Daisy for weeks. We have no clue where she could be. You said you know where she is?" Hailey gave the captain a small grin. "We can find her for you." The captain leaned back in his seat.

"Very well." Hailey scooted forward, her cuffs slicing her wrists in the process. "But I have a few requests to ask before we do anything for you." The captain gave her a sharp look, which she returned. 

"And those would be?" 

"I don't like this. She's been in there way too long!" Jake paced across the holding cell, biting his nails. Zander tapped against the bars of the cell. "I'm sure she's fine, Jake," Zander watched the snow fall from the window.

"I had one requirement Jake, one!" Seethed Stacy as she leaned against the moist cobble walls. "I said I was sorry!" Jake shouted. He noticed an officer sitting behind a desk in front of them, licking a candy cane. 

"Hey!" Jake yelled, his hands clutching the bars. The officer looks at him and groans. "What?" He says in a heavy Irish accent. "Where is Hailey?" The officer gives Jake a confused look. "Who?" Jake groans. 

"The blue-haired one that went into your integration room?" The officer nods. "I don't know." He shrugs, putting his candy cane back in his mouth. "Useless," Jake mumbles. 

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