Chapter 10: The Final Stand

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The morning of Christmas Eve was a busy one. Performers dressed as Saint Nick himself danced around the streets, ringing bells and handing candy canes and other sweets to children passing by. People flooded into shops, finishing up their Christmas shopping. The roads were clogged with cars honking, people yelling and tires screeching as people raced to see their families. The freezing snow continued to fall as it had been for the entire month. Some people scratched at their driveways, trying to contain the fluffy powder, and children ran around, making snowmen, and snow angels, and gazing into toy store windows, excited for the next day.

"Here you go. Six coffees. Would you like anything else?" Said a tired barista as she handed Hailey and her friends their beverages. "No, thank you," said the blue-haired gently. The barista yawns, covering her mouth with her coffee-stained hands and gives the group a nod. "Merry Christmas," She smiled, ducking her tray under her arm and walking away.

Milly grabbed her coffee cup, fiddling with the cardboard ring tied around it. They all sat silently, watching the busy street from the foggy window beside them. Taking a small sip of coffee, Hailey cleared her throat, peering up at her friends.

They were all still bruised and scared from the night before. They all looked down at their drinks, refusing to speak. The inside of the cafe was incredibly loud, which made Hailey nervous to discuss Daisy. After a few more minutes of growing silence, Hailey cleared her throat again, the scolding taste of the coffee nearly making her cough. Luke and Jake both gave her a short glance before returning to the staring contest they were having with the table. 

"Does anyone have any ideas of what to do?" By now, they all looked up at her with stressed and tired eyes. But still, nobody said anything. Milly continued to fiddle with her drink, not once bringing it to her lips. "Anyone?" Zander tapped his half-full cup on the table and leaned back in his seat, burying his face in his grey and purple scarf.

"We don't know where Daisy is, Hailey. So what can we do?" Hailey toyed with her cup, looking out the window again at the children playing in the street. "I don't think Bethany will like us coming to her again." Zander continued, glaring at the people who walked past their table.

"Zander's right." Milly croaked, her eyes turning watery as she kept her gaze on the cup. "We can't do anything but wait until she attacks us again. And maybe the next time she does it, we'll die." A strained tear rolls down her cheek, making a path on her red face. Jake feels his heart sting as he looks at Milly.

"Yeah. You're right. We're basically useless now. If only we knew when Daisy was going to attack." Sean was just about to agree with Hailey when a sudden thought popped into his head. "Sean?" Jake asks, noticing him perk up. 

"Okay, okay. Hear me out. What if we lure her to us?" The friends all look at Sean with confused but intrigued expressions. "Lure her?" Said Zander in a tone of disbelief. "Yeah. What if we can lure her somewhere, then when she gets there we're the ones attacking." Seeing their vague expressions, Sean lowers his head. "Or... or not." He mumbles, taking a long sip of coffee.

"No, no..." Jake says, a small grin beginning to form on his face. "That could work! We just need something believable to get her to come, then we can maybe get the jump on her and--"

Milly slammed her cup on the table, spilling her coffee. "Kill her." She says darkly. A timid Luke scooches a bit away from Milly, her tone sending shivers down his spine. "Um, yeah, sure." Milly begins to smile and wipes the spilled coffee with her sleeve. 

"All right. But where are we going to lure her?" Hailey adds. The overwhelming silence comes back as they all rack their minds, trying to think of somewhere for Daisy to meet her end.

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