Chapter 4: A Hacker and a Dinner Party

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Third-Person POV:

"Let me get this straight," Said Bethany as she paced around the freshly-decorated music room. "You want me to help you track someone? But not just anyone, the insane psycho lady who tried to kill all of you three years ago?" 

Hesitantly, Hailey nods. "Yes. Now, would you please do it?" Hailey stuck the tracker out the Bethany. The red dot flashed louder than ever. "Do you all want to die or something?" Shouts the pale-haired girl. 

"Look, Bethany, we have reasons for wanting to find her, all right?" Jake said sternly. "Please, you're the only person who can help us," He carefully takes the tracker out of Hailey's hands and shoves it into Bethany's. 

"Please?" A regretful look crosses Bethany's eyes as she stares at the blinking red dot of Daisy.  A sigh leaves her lips as she shuffles over to her computer. 

"You guys owe me," Hailey smiles and quickly hugs her sister. "Thank you, Bethy!" Bethany shoves her sister off and connects the tracker to her computer. 

"You guys might want to get comfortable, this could take a bit." 

. . .

"It's pretty cool," Jake says, staring at the same fence where Daisy first heard him sing. It was a special spot, as it started every amazing, and awful memory in his life. "What is?" Asks, Hailey. The cool winter breeze blew on her face. 

"How Bethany is the new president of the music club. And how the music club is somehow still around." Hailey lets out a brief giggle. "Yeah. She got inspired by Sean to continue doing it when she got the high school." 

Jake stares into the distance, a sudden sinking feeling chokes him. "Hailey? Is this a good idea? Finding Daisy?" Hailey gazes into Jake's worried eyes, her words running from her mouth. 

"I, well, yeah," She mumbles, playing with the snow resting at her feet. "We're going to end this tonight, Jake. I promise." She takes his hand firmly. 

"After tonight, there will be no more worrying, or fear, or anything! There will be no more Daisy. Okay?" Jake nods and pulls Hailey closer to him, immediately feeling her warmth. 

"You're right." He says quietly. Hailey props herself up and pecks Jake's lips softly, pulling herself back down and gazing happily into the slowly falling snow.

"Are you sure this plan is going to work, Hailey?" The blue-haired woman stares her boyfriend down, his words replaying in her mind. She opens her mouth to defend herself but finds that her defence is frozen in her throat. She looks back down at the ground, her shoes now buried in a thick layer of snow. 

"I hope so," She croaks. Jake rubs the back of Hailey's gloved hands and sighs. "Me too," He looks back at her. The pair stands in silence, the sight of the soon-to-be-setting sun shining in their eyes. 

"Hey, lovebirds!" Shouts the shrill voice of Milly. The couple spins around to see their friend standing by the door, waving her hand furiously in the air. 

"Come on! Bethany's done!" With a quick glance, the two abandon their spot in the snow and rush inside. 

. . .

"And boom. There you go. One Daisy, just as you asked." Bethany points to the glowing red dot, now trapped on her computer, with the words 445 Rosewall St. Hanging above it. "Rosewall?" Sean says quietly. 

"I know where that is!" He says. The friends look at Bethany. "Thanks, sis," Hailey smiles. Bethany rolls her eyes as they all sprint out of the room. 

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