Chapter 16 - What's Wrong?

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No one's POV

Sunday afternoon. Katianne was spread on her bed inside of her dorm room while all of her roommates were out. As she laid there, her legs tangled in the green bed sheets, she had the memory of her and Draco kissing repeating in her mind. As much as she tried to block it out, it still replayed itself; as much as she tried to get up and do something, she ended up feeling all motivation slip away; and as much as she wanted to tell someone, she knew she couldn't.

Well there is this one person she could talk to- about anything. "Katia?" The soft voice of Elliot spoke up in a questioning tone as he cautiously walked into the dorm room. "What happened?" He then asked, concern laced in his voice seeing the state of his best friend; though the blonde didn't respond immediately.

The Hufflepuff boy sat at the end of her bed, looking down at her. Finally, the Potter girl sat up; her hair was all tangled, there were bags under her eyes, her lips were dry. "What's wrong?" Elliot quizzed again. "Nothing." Katianne muttered, her voice raspy from how long she hasn't spoken. "Yeah, totally." The Diggory boy mumbled sarcastically. "C'mon, y'know you can tell me anything."

At last, the blue eyed girl gave in; sighing before she answered him, saying, "Draco kissed me." Shock washed over the blonde boy; his blue eyes wide, his mouth gaping open, leading to him practically shouting, "What!?" Katianne screwed her eyes shut as the sudden loudness. "You heard me." She then murmured.

"And what did you do!?" El questioned, his voice slightly less loud. "I- I pushed him away." Katia responded. Slowly, the girl lifted her head up to look at El's face. "You're an idiot, y'know?" He jokingly quizzed. "Shut up." The Potter girl grumbled, playfully shoving her best friend, before plopping back down on her bed, grabbing a pillow and shoving it at her face.

Slowly, El also laid down on the bed next to her, taking the pillow away from her. "So- what exactly happened?" The Diggory boy asked softly. "We- we were at the astronomy tower, just talking- and it kinda just happened. It was great for a moment, but-" Katianne cut herself off as she had the moment flash into her mind again, remembering her exact thoughts she had at the time. "But... what?"

"But I thought of Cedric." The girl finished her sentence, an inaudible gasp coming from the blonde boy. "I- I felt guilty... for kissing someone else. I don't know if I've moved on or not; I don't think I'll ever completely move on. I- I... I loved him; and I don't want to do that to Draco, kissing him knowing that my heart still beats for Cedric."

Both teens slowly turned to face each other; Katianne looking up at her best friend while Elliot looked down at her with sympathy filling his eyes. And then, the Diggory boy wrapped his arms around the Slytherin girl, stroking her dyed blonde hair with his left hand. She shakily hugged him back, burying her face deeper into her best friend's chest as she enjoyed the warmth he was providing her.

"It's okay to move on, Katia. It's been hard on you; I saw how much you've hurt. Maybe... maybe it's time for you to start a new chapter in your life; with someone else. Even if I did plan your wedding." Both of them laughed slightly. "All I know is that my brother loved you, but he would want you to move on, be happy with someone else."

While the two teens snuggled with each other, enjoying the peaceful quietude that came after what Elliot said, Katianne finally glanced up again; though the blonde boy was no longer looking down at her. Instead, he gazed elsewhere with sadness layered on top of his sky blue eyes. The blonde girl unwrapped her arms, sitting up again. "What's wrong?"

He, also, sat up, resting his back on the headboard. "I- it's nothing." He stammered, refusing to look the girl in the eye. "Dude, c'mon." Katia urged, finally getting a reply from her best friend, "Dean and I broke up." Surprise masked the Potter girl's face. "He said he couldn't date in secret anymore. He wanted to be able to tell people about the person he dates, but isn't ready to come out. So he broke up with me." El explained as tears filled his sky blue eyes.

"When did it happen?" Katia questioned in concern. "Just today." El responded. "I was gonna come and tell you about it, but you didn't seem- y'know." Finally, a stray tear rolled down his rosy cheek. She felt him set his head on his shoulder, her starting to softly play with his short blonde hair.

Katianne took a deep breath before saying, "I wish there is something I could do to make you feel better immediately; but all I can do right now is say that it'll get better- the pain. It might not feel like it right now, but over time, you'll get over him." She felt his arms snake around her waist as more silent drops of tears fell onto her bare shoulder.

"Plus-" The blonde girl started saying again, leading to El looking up at her with glossy eyes. "-You are the kindest, most loyal, and most amazing person ever. If he can't acknowledge that... then he doesn't deserve you."

After that was said, small smiles started spreading on both of their faces. The two of them stayed cuddled up in her bed for practically the rest of the day. And as they laid there with the soothing silence filling the air for most of the time, El and Katia knew they would get through whatever struggles they have; because with each other, they can get through anything.

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