Chapter 18 - Padfoot

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TW: Mentions of fire and slight swearing

Elliot's POV

All of the fifth year students were crowded outside, free from- well... a test, but anyways; as we all cheered, looking up at the Weasley twins who both flew around with a broom as a big 'W' appeared, I glanced over to Katianne with a wide grin spread on my face; but instead of returning a smile, she had a frown masked over as she fell.

I quickly caught her, my happy demeanour entirely washed over by worry. "Katianne? Katianne!" I called out, though my voice was drowned out by the loud sounds of everyone. I snapped my head up, noticing Hermione kneeling in front of Harry, who seemed to be in the same state as his twin.

The curly haired brunette and I made eye contact, both of our faces filled with panic. I walked over to her, practically carrying Katia, though she was still slightly walking. "What happened?" I asked her. "I- I don't know. I turned around an- and he collapsed!" The Gryffindor girl shrieked. "What's happening here?" Ron quizzed in a surprisingly stern voice, popping out of nowhere.

Though, before either of us could respond, the Potter twins snapped out of their trance. "Did you-" Harry tried saying, but before he could finish his sentence, Katia replied with a frantic nod. "Should we-" The blonde spoke, and the raven haired boy responded with, "Yes." before the both of them quickly stood up and ran off. I've always wondered how twins could just communicate like that.

Either way, Hermione, Ron and I started following them, eventually catching up; it was until we arrived at the moving stairs when one of us started talking. "So, are you going to tell us what's happening?" The redhead questioned. "I- it's Sirius- he's being attacked." Katianne answered him. "Are you sure?" Hermione asked. "Yes! I- we saw him." Harry shouted back.

"It's just like with Mr. Weasley." Katia added on. "It's the door we've been dreaming about. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time, in the Department of Mysteries." The Potter boy rambled.

"Stop it! Please- just listen." The Gryffindor girl snapped, leading to both Potter twins to stop running, as well as the three of us. "What if Voldemort meant for you two to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to the two of you?" Hermione questioned in a warning tone. "Well- what if he is? Am I supposed to just let him die?" The raven haired boy quizzed.

"Hermione- he's the only family we have left." Katianne declared, her voice faltering away slightly at the end as I stared at her with sad eyes. After a small moment of silence, I finally spoke up, saying, "What do we do?" Again, we all started running. "We'll have to use the floo network." Harry answered.

"Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance." Hermione stated matter of factly. "Not all of them." Katia corrected. After a while, we finally arrived at Umbridge's office. "Alohomora." The raven haired boy said, unlocking the wooden door. He quickly swung it open, me closing it after we all went in.

"Alert the order if you can." The Potter boy instructed, a flash of green fire lighting up at the fireplace behind Umbridge's desk. "Are you two mental? We're coming as well!" The redhead exclaimed. "It's too dangerous." The Potter girl uttered out. "When are you going to understand? If you're going to do this, we are too." I claimed.

Though, before the conversation could get very far, the all too familiar b*tchy voice of Umbridge snapped from the doorway, fret clouding all of our heads.

Katianne's POV

Crabbed was holding Hermione, Goyle was holding Ron and four other Slytherins gripped onto Luna, Ginny, El and I. "Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl." The familiar voice of Draco said, as he walked in holding Neville. The two of us made brief eye contact before I quickly looked away, not wanting to add onto the angry tension with an awkward one.

"Give me the other one!" Umbridge ordered, while the Slytherin boy that was holding me pushed me towards her, grabbing Harry as I was forced onto the chair. The obnoxiously pink, toad-faced b*tch leaned forward slightly, looking me dead in the eye, before asking, "Were you two going to Dumbledore?" I shook my head vigorously, my blue eyes wide. "No."

But, what I got in return was a harsh slap on the face. From the corner of my eye, I could see my twin break free from the Slytherin boy, though he caught my brother again, chuckling darkly at the mad demeanour that was painted on Harry's fuming red face. "You sent for me, headmistress?" The monotone voice of Snape said as he walked into the office.

"Snape- yes!" Umbridge immediately stood up straight. "The time has come for answers, whether they want to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?" The b*tch requested. "I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Ms. Chang. Unless you wish to poison her- and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did- I cannot help you."

Aw man! Now I feel bad. Cho didn't actually tell them- ah sh*t, I feel mean now. The greasy haired Professor turned around, but right before he walked away, Harry spoke up, saying, "He's got Padfoot-" though his mouth got covered by the Slytherin boy right after it was said. "H- he's got Padfoot at the place it's hidden." I declared, finishing my twin's sentence, quickly catching on to what he was trying to say.

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is she talking about, Snape?" Umbridge asked. Slowly, the dark haired Professor turned around, shock painted on his face, before he responded with, "No idea." and then walking away. "Very well. You give me no choice, Potter. As this is an issue of Ministry security... you leave me with- no alternative. The cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue."

Fear rushed through my veins, though I masked it with a brave face. "That's illegal." The blonde Hufflepuff stated, staring daggers at this stupid excuse of a witch. "What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him." She muttered, laying a photo of Fudge flat on the table. "Uh- I'm not trying to be rude, Professor- but isn't this going a bit too far?" Draco asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Well, if we're going to get any sort of answer, then I'll have to do this." Umb*tch explained, pointing her wand at me. But then, "Harry, tell her!" It was Hermione. "Tell me what?" The headmistress snarled, snapping her head towards her. Both the raven haired boy and Gryffindor girl exchanged glances, Harry's mouth still being covered. "Well if you won't tell her where it is- I will!"

"Where what is?" Umbridge quizzed. Hermione took a deep breath, her face washed over with distress, before she finally breathed out, "Dumbledore's secret weapon."

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